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Tag Archives: War

Obama must be doing something right

I always figure that in our screwed up politics, if you manage to piss off both extremes of the political spectrum, you must be doing something right. For anyone who doubts Obama is a moderate — watch this:



Daniel Ellsberg points out that thanks to the Patriot Act and similar laws, all of Nixon’s crimes would be perfectly legal today. Watergate would be legal, Ellsberg himself would probably be rotting in jail, and who knows when (or even if) the Vietnam war would have ended. We have not learned our lessons from history, […]


Unilateral Flip Flop

Back in 2007, when now VP Joe Biden was campaigning for the presidency, he was asked the following question: QUESTIONER: I have a great fear that say you’re elected as the nominee of the party. Next August sometime during the summer, Dick Cheney and George are going to bomb Iran. BIDEN: Legitimate concern. QUESTIONER: What […]


I Do Declare!

© Matt Wuerker Isn’t Congress supposed to declare war? Why did this stop happening?


One bad turn deserves another

© Lee Judge A war that never should have happened.


Are leaks no longer surprising?

© Kevin Siers The release of US military records on Afghanistan is being compared to the 1971 leak of the Pentagon Papers by Daniel Ellsburg, with one important difference. The media no longer cares, and even if they did, hardly anyone is surprised to learn that Afghanistan is a mess, or even that we may […]


War Porn

A fascinating and disturbing interview in Spiegel talks about the increasing use of “drones” — unmanned robotic aircraft that are piloted by remote control from anywhere in the world. The US currently has around 7,000 drones flying, and 43 other countries have some kind of drone in their arsenal. Even though you might think that […]


Oops, that’s not funny

from MotiFake
