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Tag Archives: Violence

Good Egg

Bernie Sanders responded to the anti-Trump violence on Thursday with a statement that bears repeating: I understand how reprehensible and disgraceful Donald Trump’s positions are, how ignorant they are, how much he is appealing — and I can understand the anger, I surely can. The bigotry that is coming from his mouth, the insults to […]


Jon Stewart on Civil Discourse

It doesn’t matter if it comes from the right or the left. This kind of discourse must be shunned. Kudos to Jon Stewart for making it clear enough that anyone can understand.


Ironic Fun With False Equivalence

© Jen Sorensen Tonight, Keith Olbermann parted ways with NBC. So will the gods of false equivalences demand that Beck or Limbaugh lose their jobs?


Violence as a Game

© Ruben Bolling Our old friend Nate shows us the “right” way to fight violence.


Smoking Gun

In June 2010, Glenn Beck says “You’re going to have to shoot them in the head”. Watch it: I’m not arguing that Glenn Beck is responsible for the Tucson shooting spree, where Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head. I’m just saying that the incendiary rhetoric has got to stop. I’m not proposing any […]


Isolated Partisan Incidents

© Tom Tomorrow Political cartoonists like Tom Tomorrow deserve our support. I just bought his new book, and it is hilarious. More satire and irony than you can shake a politician at.


The Real Tragedy

© Rob Rogers I love how some people want to blame the Tucson shootings on a random nut job, but then fail to mention how we have dramatically cut funding our mental health system, which dumped all those random nut jobs out on the streets.



It probably isn’t this bad, but I did get a good laugh out of this: © August J Pollak


Violent Spin

© Jen Sorensen


Apocalyptic Rhetoric

Paul Waldman at The American Prospect makes an excellent point about what passes for political discourse in this country recently: The rhetoric of violence is not the only kind of rhetoric that encourages violence. The apocalyptic rhetoric we’ve seen from some on the right, most notably Glenn Beck, should be part of this discussion too. […]


Everyone Agrees!

© Chan Lowe The only way the inflammatory rhetoric will get toned down is if we stop supporting it. When people use it, let them know you don’t like it. When politicians spew it, don’t vote for them. That applies whether you agree with their positions or not.
