Sunday, September 4, 2011
© Clay Bennett Given the high unemployment rate, and the attacks on unions and the labor movement in general, is there much to celebrate on this Labor Day?
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Saturday, September 3, 2011
A few days ago I reported on the Justice Department filing suit to block the merger of AT&T with T-Mobile, but there is more news about how much AT&T has been lying about the benefits of their proposed merger. In order to promote the merger, AT&T announced that they would be moving 5,000 call center […]
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Obama requested a joint session of Congress next Wednesday at 8pm so that he can lay out his agenda for increasing employment. But the Republicans objected, since that is when one of their (more than 20) Republican presidential candidate debates is taking place, and accused Obama of playing politics — even though this debate is […]
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© Jim Morin Have the Republicans actually done anything at all to create jobs? Well, other than their very tired and utterly refuted refrain that cutting taxes will fix our economy and increase jobs? After all, if cutting taxes leads to job creation, then the end of Dubya’s presidency should have seen employment increasing instead […]
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Salon has an interesting and fairly convincing article that claims the reason our social contract is unraveling is because the American people have “outlived their usefulness to the rich”. Even the robber barons of the 19th century depended on the poor and the middle class to work in their factories, buy the resulting goods, and […]
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Republicans who are gearing up to repeal the health care reform bill are trying to make the case that health care reform is bad for jobs. They even named the repeal bill the “Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act”. Now they are claiming that 650,000 jobs will be lost as a result of HCR, […]
© Ted Rall If businesses won’t start hiring until demand picks up, and consumers won’t start buying until they have jobs, then this scenario doesn’t seem to be that far fetched.
© Tom Tomorrow More proof that the unemployed are just lazy!
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© Matt Bors I guess it is important to bail out rich bankers and insurance companies, but when it comes to regular working stiffs…
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I found this hilarious post by someone named Flopper on a message board: No Government Spending Needed to Create Jobs but There is a Cost There are two pieces of legislation needed to accomplish full employment in America, both supported by many conservatives. 1. Repeal the minimum wage law. 2. Remove financial support for those […]
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© Matt Davies Billions of dollars to bail out the banks, but nothing for the unemployed who lost their jobs because of the financial crisis brought on by the banks. What makes this doubly ironic is that the Republicans claim that extending unemployment benefits would only encourage people without jobs to avoid looking for work. […]
Yes, the Republicans do have a plan for reducing unemployment: © Ed Stein One of the things I really like about Ed Stein’s comics is that he has a blog where he comments on them. His comments on this one are better than anything I could add: I’ve been accused of blindly blaming the Republican […]