Fox News tweeted the following graphic in a truly pitiful attempt to make Donald Trump look good. The graphic shows the unemployment rate 100 days after each of the last four presidents took office: You have to be some amazing kind of stupid to think that a president can make any change to the unemployment […]
The Washington Post lists 19 times that Donald Trump declared that the government unemployment numbers are fake. Starting in Sept 2012, when he called them “phony numbers”, and then a month later when he called them “a complete fraud”. In 2014, he said “Unemployment is a totally phony number.” A year later Trump graced us […]
Sunday, September 13, 2015
© Dan Wasserman There’s just one thing standing in the way of repairing our crumbling infrastructure, putting even more people back to work, and revving up the economy to new heights.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
© Joel Pett I’ve been wondering when someone would point out the utter ludicrousness of right wingers claiming that Obamacare was going to force businesses to lay off employees and cut benefits. Like, did they think we wouldn’t notice that they’ve been doing that for years without Obamacare? Not to mention that just threatening to […]
Romney and the Republicans claim that they would be better at creating jobs, even though they recently blocked another jobs bill from Obama. Remember, their solution to creating jobs is to cut taxes on the rich job creators (well, that and outlaw abortion and gay marriage). And we know how well that worked when they […]
This week, Senate Republicans filibustered a bill that would create American jobs. Currently, companies that outsource jobs to other countries receive tax breaks, which makes no sense at all. The bill would not only eliminate those tax deductions, but it would introduce new tax breaks for companies that “insource” jobs from other countries. Ironically, Republicans […]
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I’m not sure if I completely agree with all of their reasoning, but there is an interesting article in the Daily Kos that presents lots of evidence that if it were not for GOP obstructionism, that unemployment would currently be under 6%. The best argument they make is that in the past when we had […]
The next time Romney tries to blame Obama for disappointing job numbers, someone should remind him of what he said at a press conference in 2006 to reporters who were trying to hold him accountable for disappointing job creation numbers from his time as governor: You guys are bright enough to look at the numbers. […]
When Republicans say that we need to shrink the size of government, that sounds pretty good on paper, but they fail to mention that shrinking the government means that the government will employ fewer people. In fact, the Wall Street Journal calculated that if government were the same size it was back in December 2008 […]
Monday, December 26, 2011
After the 2010 midterm elections, the Republicans declared that their top priority was creating jobs. Mike Stanfill started keeping a list of all Republican Congressional activity, to see if the Republicans were telling the truth. As Stanfill notes, the fact that his list “has reached its currently imposing length without one anecdotal citation of new […]
© Matt Wuerker Not to mention gladly taking Stimulus funds and bragging about the projects after voting against them.
Tom Toles Republicans believe if they keep repeating something over and over, people will believe. Even if it clearly isn’t working. We just haven’t done it enough yet, they say. When will we wise up?
Republicans have finally kept their promise from the 2010 elections to focus on jobs. Yes, they got distracted by other pressing issues (like trying to outlaw abortion and repealing health care reform, not to mention destroying unions, Planned Parenthood, and NPR) but they finally released a draft budget proposal that does something about jobs, just […]
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
© Jen Sorensen Sorensen has some interesting commentary to go with this comic about Obama’s seeming hyper-cautiousness. From the NY Times: A Democratic Congressional adviser, granted anonymity to discuss party deliberations, said: “We’re at a loss to figure out a way to articulate the argument [for economic stimulus] in a way that doesn’t get us […]
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Child poverty is a leading predictor of how our country is going to do in the future. Children (especially very young children) who experience poverty have more difficulty learning and are much less successful as adults. They are less likely to graduate from high school, more likely to become very young parents, and will earn […]