In what must be one of the most hypocritical statements in recent history, former VP Dick Cheney accused president Obama of using the Justice department to launch politically motivated investigations against CIA personnel for their use of “enhanced interrogation techniques” (i.e., torture). This is triply hypocritical: Firstly, how can he accuse Obama of playing politics […]
Not really torture, just a good prank: From Wikipedia: On December 1, 2005, Yoo appeared in a debate in Chicago with University of Notre Dame law professor Doug Cassel. During the debate Cassel asked Yoo, “If the president deems that he’s got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of the person’s child, there […]
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US District Judge Jeffrey White has ruled that Jose Padilla has the right to sue John Yoo, the government lawyer who wrote the memos that approved the torture of terrorists, including torturing Padilla (according to his suit). Padilla — a US citizen — was arrested in Chicago in 2002 and was declared an “enemy combatant”. […]
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The same interrogator dissects Cheney’s lies in a detailed and sobering article in The Huffington Post. Via Raw Story.
Sean Hannity chickened out on his offer to be waterboarded for charity, but conservative talk show host Erich “Mancow” Muller decided to prove that waterboarding wasn’t torture by submitting to it. I wanted to prove it wasn’t torture. They cut off our heads, we put water on their face … I really thought “I’m going […]
How ironic is it that some of the most intelligent and thoughtful arguments about the whole torture issue are coming from a former pro wrestler?
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“Does this name ring a bell — evil Dick Cheney? He’s in New York City. He’s on another one of his stops on his ‘Don’t Say I Didn’t Warn You Tour.’ And he is in New York City. And he has one of those crazy, embarrassing New York City moments. He’s driving in a cab. […]
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© Tom Tomorrow Personally, I think people who use the “ticking time bomb” scenario to justify torture have been watching “24” too much.
News Flash: Taliban Waterboards Captured U.S. Soldiers–Claims “Not Torture” According to reports out of Kabul, the Taliban announced that they have waterboarded three U.S. soldiers taken prisoner. The Taliban commander asserted that waterboarding is not torture and does not violate the Geneva Convention or U.S. law. He assured everyone that a medical officer monitored all […]
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© Andy Singer Wanda Sykes used the same joke at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, along with many other funny ones.
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A new study says that white evangelicals are more likely to approve of torture than other religious groups. People unaffiliated with any religious organization were least likely to say that torture is acceptable.
First Sean Hannity called waterboarding to “dunking somebody’s head in water“. Then Charles Grodin went on Hannity’s show and asked him (since Hannity claimed that waterboarding was such a benign thing) would he be waterboarded? Hannity said yes (several times) and said he would do it for charity. Grodin immediately called his bluff and asked […]
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Peggy Noonan on Clinton committing perjury in a civil suit (December 21, 1998): The Democrats had long labeled the impeachment debate a distraction from the urgent business of a great nation. But the Republicans argued that the pursuit of justice is the business of a great nation. In winning this point, they caught the falling flag, producing […]