© Tom Tomorrow Five stages? If they are stages, then why do we seem to be going through all of them at the same time?
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I’ve of two minds about the current “scandal” about the government keeping track of phone numbers called by Verizon customers. On one hand, I am extremely alarmed that we are rather quickly becoming a surveillance state, with pretty much our every move monitored and examined. On the other hand, why are we so surprised? After […]
It turns out that the “evidence” provided by Republicans to show that the Obama administration watered down the facts about the Benghazi attack were (to put it bluntly) lies. For example, an email from White House security advisor Ben Rhodes said: We need to resolve this in a way that respects all of the relevant […]
Some last tidbits about Benghazi. First, Glenn Greenwald makes some good points on Bill Maher’s show (and Maher just comes off as a jerk): And a funny comic. Everyone should apply this to their assholes: I actually agree with both sides. As Glenn Greenwald says, when a US ambassador gets killed, there should be some […]
© Tom Tomorrow Humans are notoriously bad at evaluating risks. We seriously overreact to some risks, while sticking our collective heads in the sand for far more dangerous risks. Between the years of 1959 and 1994, 3239 people were killed by lightning strikes (roughly the same number that were killed by terrorists since 1970). In […]
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Once again, having to start under horrific events here in this country. I really hate the fact that I can cross-reference my thoughts to so many other events that have occurred over the years — so I’m not going to. I’m just going to say this to Boston: Thank you. Thank you for once again, […]
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Monday, February 11, 2013
© Tom Tomorrow Don’t get me wrong, I’m not at all happy with all the drone attacks being done in our name. But I think the left is barking up the wrong tree calling this a violation of the constitution. The constitution specifically gives the president the power to conduct wars, and whether we like […]
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
[Hat tip to Media Matters] The worst part of Fox News’ incessant yammering on about the Benghazi attack is that they have been so transparently partisan and gotten their facts so terribly wrong, that it has made it virtually impossible to have a real investigation into the death of the US Ambassador to Libya, either […]
Monday, November 19, 2012
© Lee Judge Despite embarrassing themselves by jumping the gun attacking Obama over the Libyan Embassy attack, the Republicans don’t have any hard facts so they keep throwing innuendo around. This is beyond hypocrisy. Just a few months ago at the Republican convention, they were trying to rewrite history by saying that George W. Bush […]
Republican Senstor Lindsey Graham said today the Obama administration’s handling of security for the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, where four Americans were killed is a “case study in failure” of the current American foreign policy. On Fox News, Graham said “This is Exhibit A of a failing national security policy. This is failed presidential […]
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Friday, September 21, 2012
© Ruben Bolling God commanded “Thou shalt not kill”. Four words, each of one syllable. Could he spell it out any clearer?
Sunday, September 16, 2012
© Jim Morin Are Muslims too easily incited to violence? There’s an interesting editorial in the Washington Post titled “Why is the Arab world so easily offended?” Let’s ignore for the moment whether violence is ever justified. I believe in this particular case the violence is definitely not justified (mainly because it won’t do any […]
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Saturday, September 15, 2012
We are starting to learn more about the (so-called) film that caused all the fuss in Islamic countries. I say so-called, because it seems to be impossible to actually see the film. Most people haven’t even watched the 14 minute trailer (and for good reason). It turns out that the actors who were hired to […]
Friday, September 14, 2012
The Republicans picked Mitt Romney, because he seemed to be their only candidate who wasn’t completely crazy. And then he had to go and do this. A crisis in the Middle East erupts because some asshole idiot in the US makes a really crappy low-budget movie that seems to be designed solely to anger Muslims […]
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Today is the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, and here’s something to remember. Kurt Eichenwald gained access to some of the daily security briefings that were given to the White House in the weeks before the attack, and other classified documents, and has “come to an inescapable conclusion: the administration’s reaction to what Mr. […]