Thursday, October 27, 2016
Retired Supreme Court justice David Souter, back in 2012, reminds us of the biggest danger to democracy. His words are prescient given our current election. This clip starts near the end of his talk, but the whole talk is very interesting.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
On a radio interview on Monday, John McCain said the following: I promise you that we will be united against any Supreme Court nominee that Hillary Clinton, if she were president, would put up. I promise you. This is where we need the majority. That’s right, it doesn’t even matter who the nominee is, McCain […]
Friday, September 2, 2016
Remember how Obama nominated respected moderate Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court, but the Republicans in the Senate refused to even hold hearings on him, giving the excuse that they should let the next president pick the new member of the Supreme Court. Because, you know, they really wanted to give the people a voice […]
Thursday morning, an op-ed from Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) was published in the Deseret News (a major Salt Lake City newspaper that is owned by the LDS Church). In it, Hatch says: Like many of my Senate colleagues, I recently met with Chief Judge Merrick Garland, President Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court. … Our […]
It is easy to get caught up in the politics of the Supreme Court, especially with the unexpected death of Antonin Scalia and the fight over his replacement. But meanwhile, the court is still hearing important cases. This week saw oral arguments about a Texas law that requires stringent new standards on abortion clinics that […]
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Seth Meyers worries about the consequences of Obama doing what the Republicans ask and deferring the Supreme Court nomination to the next president. For example, if Trump is elected, will he name Gary Busey to the Supreme Court? Ted Cruz has already announced that he thinks “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson would make an excellent […]
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Thursday, February 18, 2016
© Jen Sorensen It is the job of Obama to nominate a new Supreme Court justice. Republican demands that we wait until after the election so the appointment can follow the “will of the people” ignores the will of the people when they elected Obama (twice!). Obama has a chance to create a court that […]
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
© Tom Tomorrow The Republicans have already announced that they are going to refuse to confirm (or even have a hearing to consider) anyone nominated by Obama to replace Antonin Scalia. Even before they hear who Obama is going to nominate. The Party of NO is nothing if not consistent. The GOP claims that it […]
A common question of presidential candidates is what kind of Supreme Court justice they would appoint. But at a campaign event in Iowa on Tuesday, someone asked Hillary Clinton if she would consider nominating President Obama to the Supreme Court. Laughing in delight, Clinton replied “Wow, what a great idea. Nobody has ever suggested that […]
© Ruben Bolling I know I’ve already pointed out the hypocrisy of Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia but this comic was just too funny. I think I have a new theory. Maybe the conservative justices are just treating the Constitution like the Bible. After all, you can justify almost any behavior by selectively picking verses […]
© Tom Tomorrow If Scalia weren’t bad enough, we have his sidekick “Scalito”. It might have been overshadowed by other decisions, but yes, the Supreme Court did rule that capital executions could move forward, even though three recent executions resulted in long and apparently excruciatingly painful death, “the chemical equivalent of being burned alive”. Silly […]
Scalia seems to have had a very bad day. He didn’t get things to go his way. But that’s ok because Jon is here, To humorously make the hypocrisy clear. As Stewart explains it, “I think we found Scalia’s tell. The Crankiness of Scalia’s insults runs inverse to his intellectual consistency.”
Stephen Colbert (the real one, not the fake conservative) makes fun of the Supreme Court: UPDATE: Hey, never let it be said that we aren’t “fair and balanced”. Here’s Bill O’Reilly’s response to Colbert on Fox News: Colbert has said that he modeled his conservative persona on Bill O’Reilly, so is O’Reilly a bit miffed […]
One might even say that he isn’t very gay. It was bad enough yesterday when the Supreme Court deflected a challenge to Obamacare (over his vigorous dissent), but today it legalized same-sex marriage in the whole country. In Scalia’s dissent to the gay marriage ruling, he quoted from the majority opinion and gave his version […]