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Tag Archives: Republicans

Is this what you voted for?

The dust hasn’t even settled after the election, which saw significant gains for Republicans, but already at least one of them is calling for yet another war. Senator Lindsay Graham sees going to war with Iran “not to just neutralize their nuclear program, but to sink their navy, destroy their air force and deliver a […]


Time for some ideas…

© Drew Sheneman I, for one, am really looking forward to the Republicans actually coming up with some ideas.


Reading the Tea Leaves

© Tony Auth Did we really vote for this?


Personally, I’d like to abolish political parties

© Ben Garrison According to a survey by Rasmussen Reports, most voters expected Republicans to win control of the House of Representatives. But what is really ironic is that — even before the election — 59% think it is likely that most voters will be disappointed with the Republicans in Congress before the elections in […]


The Tea Party Cost the Republicans Control of the Senate

Still think the Tea Party movement helped the Republicans win this election? Electoral Vote (one of my favorite websites) makes a really good point that the Tea Party actually cost them control of the Senate. Democrats held on to the Senate, but by the slimmest of margins. And what the Tea Party did, when they […]


I Remember


Just Say No to the Party of “Duh”

Gus Brindi has a thoughtful rant on why he can’t bring himself to vote for any Republicans, even though he is a moderate and has no love for the Democrats. For example, he points out that the GOP and “their mentally challenged little brother, the ‘Tea Party’” keep screaming about the issue of government spending, […]


If Ignorance is Bliss…

© Keith Tucker


Has anyone heard a Republican name one thing they would cut to reduce the deficit?

Republicans continue to claim that they will reduce government spending. For example, when asked how they will pay for extending the Bush tax cuts, they claim they will do it by cutting government spending. There’s one big problem with this. In order to cut government spending, you are going to have to cut at least […]



Some recent polls: From Public Policy Polling: Even though only 4% of Republican voters support building a mosque 2 blocks from ground zero, 21% of them say they would support building a strip club in the same place. From Opinion Research / CNN: Americans are now almost evenly divided on their opinion of Obama versus […]


Politics as either high art, or insanity

Whether you think Carl Paladino is serious, insane, or the next sub-genius, his campaign certainly is ironic. Maybe he is just following in the footsteps of some of the crazier members of the Republican party (cough, Bachmann, cough Palin) and trying to see how insane you can be and ironically still get away with it.


Deja Vu All Over Again

© Jack Ohman Marriages are down, fickleness is up.


The Party’s Over

Matt Taibbi has yet another brilliant article/rant in Rolling Stone about the Tea Party, where it came from, how it has been appropriated by corporate Republican power brokers, and just where that leaves us. Go read it. Just to get you to read it, here are two paragraphs from the end: Of course, the fact […]



© Lee Judge


Creating a Monster

© Mike Keefe Back when Republicans had control of the presidency, both houses of Congress, and the Supreme Court, they ran up record deficits. They lied us into unnecessary wars, they rammed unfunded Medicare Part D through Congress, they passed out tax breaks to rich people. Why why why would anyone believe that they are […]
