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Tag Archives: Republicans

Republicans purposely keeping the economy bad and unemployment high?

The Republican Party is trying to stop the Federal Reserve from helping to lower unemployment. It is bad enough that the Republicans opposed the federal version of Mitt Romney’s health care plan, the continuation of Dubya’s bank bailout, and the (failed) attempt to pass John McCain’s climate bill, but now they are opposing Milton Friedman’s […]


The Daily Show is the only US news organization doing its job

And they aren’t even a real news organization, they are a freakin comedy show.


When at first you don’t succeed, lie, lie again

PolitiFact has picked its 2010 Lie of the Year, and to nobody’s surprise it is “A government takeover of health care” repeated over and over (and over) again by the Republicans in describing Obama’s health care reform bill. PolitiFact had already evaluated statements from Republicans using this phrase five times and rated it a lie […]


Jon Stewart Rant

I haven’t seen Jon Stewart do this good a rant in a while: The rant is about Senate Republicans filibustering a bill that would have paid for health care for injured 9/11 first responders, or as Stewart called it, “The least we can do / No brainer act of 2010”. UPDATE: A Fox News legal […]



© Dan Wasserman It’s not bribery, it’s a public-private partnership!


Bipartisanship, part 2

© Tom Toles



© Tom Tomorrow See the previous post on this blog. We know the Republicans hate the Democrats, but do they hate the entire country?


The Party of NO NO NO NO NO holds the Senate Hostage for the Rich

Today, all 42 Republican Senators signed a letter declaring emphatically that they will not let the Senate consider any legislation or take any action at all, until the tax cuts for the wealthy have been extended. The Democrats want to extend the tax cuts for people earning less than $250,000 a year, but that isn’t […]


The Orwell Party

© Andy Singer


A Flip-Flop by Any Other Name

© Jack Ohman The headlines are: “McConnell Does About-Face on Earmarks” (from the conservative NRO), “McConnell Caves on Earmarks” (moderate Washington Monthly), and “McConnell blinks on earmarks” (liberal Daily Kos). At least we can all agree on something!


The Party of No and Nuclear Armageddon

I guess we now have a new meaning of the term “nuclear option” and just how much the Republicans are willing to sell out their own country and their own principals for partisan political gain. The nuclear Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) expired in December 2009. The original START was negotiated by the Reagan administration […]


Negative campaigns will get worse as long as they keep working

© Lee Judge If we keep voting for people whose only policy proposal is to attack their opponents, then we have nobody to blame but ourselves.


Money and Ethics in Politics

© Matt Bors And just this week, a Congressional leader told the head of a foreign government that he would side with the foreign country against the US president. Where are the screams of treason at this unprecedented undermining of US policy?


Why Bush waited until after the election to release his memoirs?

What could be worse than the revelation that Bush personally approved waterboarding, which we ourselves called torture when the Japanese used it in WWII. Bush justified using torture because he claims it saved lives by producing actionable intelligence. However, the former chairman of British intelligence disputes this, saying that waterboarding, which is definitely torture, did […]


The Current War

© Ed Stein [I love the commentaries that Ed Stein provides to go with his excellent comics:] I wonder if the sour, off-key comments by House Speaker-to-be John Boehner and still Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell after the election might have given the voters who placed renewed confidence in the Republican Party buyer’s remorse. Boehner […]
