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Tag Archives: Republicans

Biting Irony

© Mike Luckovich See this.


Speaking out of both sides of your flip-flops

On Monday, House Speaker John Boehner said that oil companies are “gonna pay their fair share in taxes and they should” and that the industry did not “need to have the oil depletion allowances” they currently receive. But that just incensed the corporate-owned wing-nuts who screamed that any reduction in corporate subsidies — including the […]


Capped and Traded

Ezra Klein points out that the Republicans are continuing their run as the Party of No. Even policies they used to support, they now unanimously oppose apparently for the simple reason that Obama supports them: A few years ago, cap-and-trade was, if not a consensus position in the Republican Party, then at least one with […]


It Takes One to Know One

What did we ever do before the Innertubes allowed us to instantly figure out when someone was lying to us. Here’s a case in point. Last week, Donald Trump appeared on Fox News and praised Reagan as one of the presidents he admired most. HANNITY: Who are our past presidents that you admire most? TRUMP: […]


On Target

© Lee Judge


Palin-Bachmann Overdrive!

“Bachmann is the female Ann Coulter” — I love it. As the creator of this video, D.C. Douglas puts it: You might say that I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. … After all that America has been through recently — the recession, Wall Street, God’s natural disaster punishments — we truly need […]


Raw Meat, or just a Bone?

© Chan Lowe Donald Trump stirs up the Republican base by asking why Obama won’t release his birth certificate. The fact that Obama released his birth certificate years ago (and Hawaii officials verified it) doesn’t seem to matter. And Trump seems to have had some problems producing his own birth certificate. But according to Politico, […]


Help Poor Sean Duffy

During a town hall meeting, Republican congressman Sean Duffy complained that he was struggling to make ends meet on his $174,000 a year salary (despite the fact that it is more than three times the median salary in his district). I can guarantee you, or most of you, I guarantee that I have more debt […]


Base Instincts

We may not have many presidential contenders yet, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t already plenty of irony to go around.


American Exceptionalism?

From Joe Klein, writing in Time magazine: This is my 10th presidential campaign, Lord help me. I have never before seen such a bunch of vile, desperate-to-please, shameless, embarrassing losers coagulated under a single party’s banner. They are the most compelling argument I’ve seen against American exceptionalism. […] There are those who say, cynically, if […]


You don’t have to try hard to make some Republicans look kooky

A majority of Republicans are not convinced that Obama was born in the United States. In fact, only 28% of Republican voters admit that Obama was born in the US, with 51% saying that he was not, and 21% unsure. Where in the world did they get that crazy idea? But what is really hilarious […]



© Tom Toles Bipartisanship returns to Washington?


Republicans want to defeat Obama at any cost

A new poll from CNN shows that the most important thing they want in a presidential candidate in 2012 is someone who can defeat Obama — even if that candidate disagrees with them on major issues and ideology. I guess I’m happy that Republicans are taking a slight break from ideology, but only so they […]


Congressional Hearing

© Jim Morin Are they purposely ignoring us, or do they have a hearing problem?


Republicans Invent Time Machine, Aren’t Afraid to Use It

The Republicans have controlled the house for just two weeks (and still have a minority in the Senate), but when new job numbers came out that show the economy is growing and unemployment is falling, that didn’t stop the GOP from trying to take credit. Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyle (R-AZ) claimed that soaring corporate […]
