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Tag Archives: Republicans

Raising Cain

Now that Herman Cain is leading in the Republican primary race, he is getting a lot more attention. © Kevin Siers And the attention is not just focused on Cain himself. Politico recently held a blind taste test of pizza from five chains, and Godfather’s Pizza (where Cain was formerly the CEO) was unanimously rated […]


Food for Thought

© Rob Rogers And as usual, Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman are left out.



© Jack Ohman Will Cainfather’s Pizza deliver?


The Fickle Finger of the Right

© Lee Judge To be honest, I don’t blame this entirely on the right. The media loves a horse race.


Protest, American Style

© Jen Sorensen House Majority Leader Eric Cantor expresses his concern about the Occupy Wall Street “mobs”. Unfortunately, in the wake of Citizen’s United, the free speech of ordinary citizens (even expressed as protests) is dwarfed by the “free speech” of unlimited corporate cash. Not only that, but since it is corporate cash (in the […]


Talking out of both sides of your two mouths

© Matt Wuerker Not to mention gladly taking Stimulus funds and bragging about the projects after voting against them.



© August J. Pollak I’m still holding out hope for Jon Huntsman, but this comic is probably right. Does anyone believe it won’t be Mitt Romney?


Compromising Position

© Tom Tomorrow I loved the “Tears of the Pundit” part.


One Sector of the Economy is Thriving!

© Ted Rall Somehow, despite the bad economy, the Republican campaigns seem to have lots of money. Even Sarah Palin is sending out fundraising letters just to get her to decide whether or not she is going to run for President.


SNL on the Republican Debates

Mitt Romney is played by Jason Sudeikis, Rick Perry is Alec Baldwin, and there are also “six people who will never be president but showed up anyway.”


Tempest in a Teapot

© Lee Judge I guess one way to prove that government can’t do anything right is to destroy the things it does well: Social Security, Medicare, the Post Office, etc. And make Congress even more dysfunctional at the same time.


The Voodoo Economists

Steven Pearlstein has an great column on the self-contradictory economic claims of the current crop of GOP presidential candidates. Here’s two examples: Theirs is a magical world in which the gulf oil spill and the Japanese nuclear disaster never happened and there was never a problem with smog, polluted rivers or contaminated hamburger. It is […]


Thinking Wrong?

Jon Stewart explains who won the Republican debate. And why the pundits don’t get it.


Out of the Mouths of Children

Quote from a reader of Andrew Sullivan after the Republican debate: Listening to GOP Presidential candidates talk about science is like listening to children talk about sex: They know it exists, they have strong opinions about what it might mean, but they don’t have a clue what it’s actually about.


The GOP Cult

Mike Lofgren has a detailed and compelling write-up about what’s wrong with the Republican Party and our political system in general. And he should know, he used to be a GOP operative and a congressional staffer. If you ever wanted to read a clear description of what happened to the Republican party, this is it. […]
