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Tag Archives: Republicans

Fine Print

© Clay Bennett On Wednesday, Representative Stenny Hoyer (D-MD) tried to call a vote in the House to extend the payroll tax cut to middle class and working Americans. But the Republicans would have nothing of that. They ignored Hoyer’s motion, and instead adjourned the House (just moments after it went into session) and then […]


Don’t Do This

Jon Stewart has a serious talk with Republican primary voters:


Valuing Liberal Values, Shout-out to

Ron Chusid’s blog Liberal Values is the first blog I check every day. Chusid is not prolific, about a post per day, but if he finds something interesting, it’s worth considering. I often find that he writes with a clarity that helps me focus my own thoughts whether I agree with him or not. His […]


Rahm Emanual: Standout Standup at Jefferson-Jackson Dinner

I’m not a big fan of Rahm Emanuel but he gave a rousing and eloquent defense of the Obama administration at the Iowa Democratic Party’s Jefferson-Jackson Dinner November 19. I recommend reading the more serious parts in the full transcript here but he began with a top notch blast of standup: While we meet here […]


G.O.P. to Norquist: “Can We Tax The Poor?”

This cartoon falls into the category that directly replicates reality. Like Tina Fey’s impression of Sarah Palin – what’s the difference between the cartoon and the real thing? – Iron Filing


Thanksgiving Themed Cartoons End Soon – Thankfully

Then the #@*! Christmas cartoons start! ©Ed Stein Commentary by Ed Stein I normally don’t like to draw cartoons like this. I’m usually a stickler for at least explaining why I don’t care for a politician or a party or a political idea in a cartoon rather than just ridiculing him/her/it. But, after watching a series […]


From Mud To Duds: where did Newt’s first 2012 campaign staff go?

Now that Newt Gingrich’s poll numbers are surging, I was wondering what happened to the members of his staff that jumped ship in June. Dave Carney, Rob Johnson and Katon Dawson all went to Rick Perry. They must be having second thoughts now after switching from the morally muddy but excellent debater Gingrich to the […]


The State of the Election

Herman Cain and Rick Perry run into trouble: The host of the speech given by Perry claims the Texas governor was not drinking and that his speech was very well received.


Pizza Geography

Herman Cain shares his views on China: I do view China as a potential military threat to the United States … we already have superiority in terms of our military capability, and I plan to get away from making cutting our defense a priority and make investing in our military capability a priority, going back […]


Happy Hallowe’en!

© Stuart Carlson Wait, is this a trick?


Another Smokin’ Ad

After almost everyone made fun of Herman Cain’s campaign ad showing his chief of staff taking a long drag on a cigarette, I thought it couldn’t get any better. But it did. Watch Jon Huntsman’s daughters’ parody ad, which simultaneously “shamelessly” promotes their father for president: Why can’t this guy get any traction with the […]


Jon Stewart Blasts the Chicken Hawks

I know I’ve said it before, but Jon Stewart is brilliant. And he’s on a roll with this one, pointing out the utter hypocrisy of the chicken hawks.


What is wrong with you people?

Jon Stewart on the end of the Libyan war and the Republican reaction to it. The best part is the second half.


Presidential Pull

© Kerry Waghorn Is Herman Cain high on Koch?


Honest Lunacy

© Ed Stein I’ve forced myself to watch the last three Republican debates. It’s one of those unfortunate sacrifices one must make to do this job. It’s getting harder each time to stomach the pandering, the self-aggrandizement, the bromides, banalities, platitudes and inanities, not to mention the mis-statements, half-truths and outright lies this collection of […]
