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Tag Archives: Republicans

Lies that Mitt Romney Tells

Now that Rick Santorum has officially suspended his campaign, the only things in the way of Mitt Romney are Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich. In other words, we now know who the Republican candidate for president will be. So I guess it is time to start examining the record of Mittens in earnest. We all […]



© Lee Judge Can anyone actually have this little empathy?


All Politics is Local – Medieval Version

© Caldwell Tanner Some things never change, like the proverbial Game of Thrones.


Tyranny in America

Rachel Maddow has an incredible story about how the Michigan legislature is violating the rule of law, and doing everything they can to get rid of democracy in the state, both at the local level and in the legislature itself.


Talking out of both sides of their ass

© Adam Zyglis I’ve heard of being two-faced, but this is ridiculous.


Context is Everything

When the Wall Street Journal was bought by Murdock’s News Corp, people were worried that it would be turned into another Faux News. Well, you don’t have to worry any longer, it has been. With the publishing of the recent editorial by Karl “Bush’s brain” Rove, the WSJ has become just another arm of the […]


Market Manipulation?

© Kevin Kallaugher I know it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if someone is manipulating gas prices in order to hurt Obama. UPDATE: Meanwhile, the public is not sure whom to blame for high gas prices. I know who is to blame for that — the media for […]


Happy Valentine’s Day!

© Joel Pett I guess it is a love-hate relationship. © Tony Auth


Classy Warfare

Legislator co-sponsoring a bill requiring drug testing for welfare recipients — Normal Republican tactics. Same legislator getting arrested for DUI — Normal Republican hypocrisy. When arrested, the legislator was driving his gold four-door Jaguar XJ8 — Priceless. What makes this even more ironic is that when the Republican bill to require welfare recipients to be […]


The Party of Big Government

I’ve often wondered why nobody calls out the Republican party for claiming to be the party of small government. It isn’t like there isn’t plenty of data to refute this claim. We have long known that the federal deficit has increased dramatically more under Republican presidents than Democratic ones, but Republicans could just claim that […]



© Tony Auth How far to the right will Mitt Romney have to go in order to fend off his Republican primary challengers? And assuming he gets the nomination, will he get whiplash when he turns to the actual election, where he must appeal to independents and moderates?


Job Cremator

Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman: Mitt Romney, I think, is more of a job cremator than a job creator. He was a corporate buyout specialist at Bain Capital. He dismantled companies. He cut jobs. He forced companies into bankruptcy and he outsourced jobs and sent jobs overseas. That’s not a record to write home […]


The Mitt-bot and Santorum

Stephen Colbert takes on the winners of the Iowa caucuses: And satirist Andy Borowitz gets in some funny cracks: Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney was overjoyed today after finishing the Iowa caucuses in a virtual tie with a walking joke who wears sweater vests. “The eight people have spoken!” exclaimed Mr. Romney, who was joined […]


The Official Iowa Results

© Kevin Siers As usual, the mainstream media is concentrating on the horse race aspects of the primary, and ignoring the real issues. But even the media is having trouble finding drama in this. I guess Romney has become inevitable, despite the fact that Republicans are willing to grasp at any straw that isn’t him. […]


Failed System

Talk about Christmas presents from the Republican Party! And it just keeps getting better and better. Early this morning, the Virginia Republican Party announced that only two candidates had fulfilled the requirements to be on the primary ballot in Virginia. Those two candidates are Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. That’s right, Newt Gingrich didn’t make […]
