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Tag Archives: Religion

Jon Stewart is going to hell


God’s Away On Business

Something is obviously wrong in the God department. Cain, Bachmann, Perry and Santorum all believe God has called on them to run. Apparently, God couldn’t make up his mind after eschewing Gingrich and Paul. I don’t think God even knows Huntsman is running and he figures Romney doesn’t need his help since Mitt is already richer […]


Occam’s Razor

[Written by Fred Wickham, reposted from Bullseye Rooster] My debate plan. I can share this because I know no Republican candidates, nor their staffs, will be reading my blog. I have made it unavailable to them. Here’s the plan — and the debate’s sponsors have taken me up on it. So be ready for fireworks […]


Just what we need … another Texas governor as president?

© Jim Morin Of course, there are differences between Bush and Perry. For example, Bush mostly pretended to be a fundamentalist Christian, while Perry is a full tilt Dominionist, who believes that Christians have a God-mandated right and duty to rule all earthly institutions according to God’s law. UPDATE: Jon Stewart on Rick Perry (including […]


Having Trouble Feeling the Love

Today, Texas governor (and all but declared presidential candidate) Rick Perry is holding his big prayer festival in Houston. People for the American Way created a video mashing up Perry’s folksy invitation to the event, intercut with video of the radical evangelical christians that he invited: Perry’s friendly demeanor in the video is ironic compared […]


If you rejoice in revenge, torture and war … you’re not a Christian

Bill Maher is on a roll this week. It is interesting that right after Maher’s recent brilliant monologue praising Obama, he now equally brilliantly points out the hypocrisy of something Obama recently said. Both are right on. UPDATE: Yet more great Bill Maher, this time being interviewed on Hardball. He’s as good answering random questions […]


The Power of Prayer

A parable (koan?) on the separation of church and state: In the small town of Mt. Vernon, Texas, the local bar started to build a new building to increase business. The town’s Baptist church was strongly opposed, and attempted to block the opening of the new bar with petitions and prayer. Just before the bar […]


Heck, if Westboro can call themselves a church, I guess anyone can

There are some who don’t think Westboro Baptist Church is a real church — just how do you decide if some organization is a real church or not? So if the Supreme Court feels it is important to protect the free speech rights of Westboro, then I expect to see a rash of new “churches”. […]


Westboro Baptist Crock

Today, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church, protecting their right of free speech. This is a case where you can easily read the official court opinion — or at least the summary, rather than believing what some media pundit says about it. The ruling was almost unanimous, with only Justice […]


What the Anti-Christ, End-times, Egypt, and Wisconsin Protests Have in Common

This completely blows my mind. Maybe you don’t have to be completely insane to watch Glenn Beck, but it doesn’t hurt.


Happy Holidays!

© Tom Tomorrow Sometimes I’m afraid to wish people “Happy Holidays” or even “Season’s Greetings” for fear that I might be accused of being anti-Christmas. What would Jesus do?


The Rise, Fall, and Bankruptcy of the Religious Right

A report in the LA Times documents an interesting fact — organized religion is on the wane in the US. The number of people who say they have no religious affiliation is increasing dramatically. For decades, only 7% of the population claimed they had no religion, but after around 1990 the number started growing, hitting […]


Sometimes, you actually are what you hate

CNN has a documentary that has a double helping of irony. The documentary is about Polish Jews who are coming out of the closet about their religion. Not only did communist governments try to suppress all religion, but in the years after WWII antisemitism was rampant in Poland, to the point where many Jews hid […]


Ban the Burqa?

Today, France banned the burqa. To be precise, they made it illegal to wear clothing that covers the face, which includes the burqa, a solid covering over the body with a semi-transparent mesh over the eyes, and the niqab, which covers everything but leaves a small opening for the eyes. The hajab, which covers the […]


Limits to Freedom?

A judge in South Africa has outlawed the burning of Bibles, planned by a Muslim activist as a response to the now-cancelled burning of Qurans in Florida. This is interesting in so many different ways. One our dearest freedoms is the freedom of speech, and we consider many acts to be protected speech. So while […]
