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Tag Archives: Religion

Guess the Fundamentalists!

Slate has an interesting quiz. They have a list of nine quotes, and you are supposed to figure out if they were said by a Christian social conservative leader, or by an Islamic fundamentalist leader. Some of the quotes are easy because they were recently in the news, even though they sound completely crazy. Like […]


Graven Images

© Ruben Bolling God commanded “Thou shalt not kill”. Four words, each of one syllable. Could he spell it out any clearer?


Bad Cinema

We are starting to learn more about the (so-called) film that caused all the fuss in Islamic countries. I say so-called, because it seems to be impossible to actually see the film. Most people haven’t even watched the 14 minute trailer (and for good reason). It turns out that the actors who were hired to […]


The American Taliban


Does God Hate the GOP?

I don’t believe it for a moment, but you do have to ask the question… Four years ago, James Dobson and Focus On the Family actually ran an ad calling for people to pray to God to rain out Barack Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. I don’t know how many people […]


Pro-Life Obama v. Romney

[I am reprinting this article by Nicholas P. Cafardi from the National Catholic Reporter in its entirety because it is perfect. It is beyond hypocritical that politicians regularly claim they believe in one thing, while their actions directly support the opposite. And shame on us for letting them get away with it. — iron knee] […]


Marriage according to the Bible

from Unicorn Booty Personally, I believe that Jesus wouldn’t care one way or another about same-sex marriage, and that some people are just using the Bible to support their own homophobia and sexism. Which is pretty darn unchristian-like.


The Mormon Questions

Only Jon Stewart could get away with asking these questions:


What Moral Decline?

Are you getting tired of all the wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth from the religious right about the moral decline of America? Rick Santorum claims that “Satan has his sights on the United States of America”. Newt Gingrich says “A country that has been now since 1963 relentlessly in the courts driving God […]


Religion is Big Business

© Brian McFadden I’m definitely not anti-religion, but it seems crazy to me that we give huge (as much as 100%) tax breaks to churches to run normal businesses, and they even get to make profits. Doesn’t that violate the establishment clause since it allows the government to decide what is a religion, and then […]


Selective Religion

Republicans have been accusing Obama of waging war on the Catholic Church, if not on religion in general, because he won’t let the church have its way on issues like birth control. However, the same politicians who are attacking Obama have voted against the Catholic Church in a number of other (even bigger) policy issues. […]


Slip Up

© Adam Zyglis The whole bruhaha about birth control was just a political stunt. Twenty eight states already require the Catholic Church to cover birth control in their insurance policies, and 97% of Catholic women have used birth control at sometime in their life.


Religious Freedom?

Since when does religious freedom equal the freedom for religions to control the lives of people, even people who don’t believe in their religion? Religious freedom is the freedom for people (not corporations as people, not churches as people, but real people) to practice whatever religion they please, without interference from the government. So how […]


Bah, Humbug

I personally have nothing against Christmas, but I love a good rant. And when Christopher Hitchens passed away recently, the world lost a ranter par excellence. I’m going to miss him. So here is a reprint of a famous Hitchens anti-Christmas rant, first published in Salon in 2005. Bah, Humbug The horrors of December in […]


Fox News Whines about the War on Christmas

Ironically, Rachel Maddow is shocked about Obama’s Christmas Card. But that’s ok, Fox News and Sarah Palin are on the job pointing out this latest blatant attack on Christmas. How dare Obama!? Personally, I can’t decide if this is merely shoddy reporting on the part of Fox News, or if they are going to attack […]
