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Tag Archives: Religion

The True Meaning of Christmas

© Tom Tomorrow Where have all the compassionate conservatives gone?


Merry War on Christmas?

How can conservatives put up with their pundits, who are such self-righteous whiners? Ironically, as Christians fight for the right to freely express their religion, they are opening up the door to free expression of other religions. After all, doesn’t the constitution guarantee the same rights to Muslims as it does for Christians? Indeed, The […]


Gimme that Old Time Religion

© Lee Judge I know some people think that Pope Francis talks better than he acts, but somehow I can’t help but admire him for his talk. Besides, making any changes to a stagnant behemoth like the Catholic Church is going to take time. Besides, isn’t this what Jesus would do?


Not the Onion!

Headline in the NY Times: Pope Says Church Is ‘Obsessed’ With Gays, Abortion and Birth Control Six months into his papacy, Pope Francis sent shock waves through the Roman Catholic church on Thursday with the publication of his remarks that the church had grown “obsessed” with abortion, gay marriage and contraception, and that he had […]


Scamming Rwanda

It makes me sick to read about televangelist (and former presidential candidate) Pat Robertson scamming hundreds of millions of dollars from followers to supposedly save lives after the crisis in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire) in 1994. Instead, very little of that money was used for aid, with a large part […]


Science on Science

Religious people often like to claim that without religion, people would abandon their morals and the world would descend into chaos. Or something like that. Of course, they don’t have to offer any proof of that because, well, they are religious, so they just take it on faith. But now we are finally hearing from […]


Science v. Faith

[These are excerpts from an AP story. You can’t make up stuff like this.] A northern Arizona family that was lost at sea for weeks in an ill-fated attempt to leave the U.S. over what they consider government interference in religion will fly back home Sunday. Hannah Gastonguay said her family was fed up with […]


If you can live with divorce, you can live with gay marriage

I would say the religious arguments are more based in fear than in the actual teachings, that they’re based upon stray texts that actually don’t mean what you think they mean, and that Jesus himself only said one thing about marriage, which is that you can’t divorce. And we live in a country were countless […]


Traditional Marriage


Supreme Court v. God

Not everybody is happy with the Supreme Court rulings yesterday supporting gay marriage. Pat Robertson predicted that God might have to do something “pretty drastic“, like he did with Sodom and Gomorrah, because of the Supreme Court rulings. But what was really bizarre was that he also questioned whether the court’s swing vote, Justice Anthony […]


It’s OK to be a bad Christian, as long as you’re a good liar

What a great rant by John Fugelsang on newly reelected scumbag Mark Sanford:


Casting the First Stone?

This week, Pat Robertson had a segment warning his viewers about a pyramid investment scheme that lured suckers in with references to religious scriptures. “Beware of these scamsters, especially scamsters in religious garb quoting the Bible. I mean, run from them. They’re all over the place.” But just a day earlier, Robertson had praised a […]


Russell Brand v. WBC

Russell Brand takes on two members of the Westboro Baptist Church. Complete bizarreness ensues. Who knew that Gandhi went to hell!


Backwards to the Future!

© Kevin Siers If the Catholic Church isn’t going to look to the future, how about going all the way back to the past? Ed Stein has a novel idea: It’s time for the Church to think outside the box. Pope Benedict is the first Pope to resign in six centuries. If you’re going to […]


Holiday Special

© Drew Sheneman How can anyone believe there is a war on Christmas? I’ve been inundated with Christmas songs, decorations, and everything else for weeks already. If there is a war on Christmas, it is the effort to turn it into a consumer extravaganza, rather than a religious holiday.
