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Tag Archives: Obama

That’s Why I’m Voting Tea Party

Some really ironic t-shirt designs: © Jeremy Kalgreen p.s. Obama is left-handed.


Who would have thought that Bush read more books as president than Obama

If you can believe Karl Rove, he and Bush had a friendly competition to see who could read more books each year. According to Rove, Bush read 95 books in 2006, 51 in 2007, and 40 in 2008. That’s an average of more than one book a week over 3 years. Apparently, Obama is not […]


The Blame Game

American politics has become a cynical blame game. The left-wing blames Obama for not doing enough, the right-wing blames Obama for everything (which is their coward’s strategy for getting votes, since it is easy to blame the party in power, and doesn’t require to to have any, um, ideas). My favorite conservative, Andrew Sullivan has […]


Olbermann hits the Nail on the Head

Regardless of what you think of Keith Olbermann, sometimes he gets everything exactly right:


Republican Misunderestimation

In the political marketplace, there’s now a run on Obama shares. The Left is disappointed with the president. Independents are abandoning him in droves. And the Right is already dancing on his political grave, salivating about November, when, his own press secretary admitted Sunday, Democrats might lose the House. I have a warning for Republicans: […]


I’ve been having this recurring nightmare

© Pete Pasho This comes from a non-US cartoonist, of course. There are so many jokes hidden inside of this simple cartoon.


Obama Blame Game

© Rob Rogers


Smackdown: Obama v. Reagan – Which one is more conservative?

To me, the point that this video actually makes is that the term “conservative” has lost its meaning. [Hat tip to Cliff Schecter at The Political Carnival] UPDATE: Newsweek has an excellent article about Reagan, the man and the myth, that tries to answer the question: What would Reagan really do?


Steele Second Base

© Jim Morin Well, it looks like Michael Steele might get to keep his job as RNC Chairman. Apparently, Republicans are afraid of a drawn-out fight over their most prominent African-American leader during the build-up to the November elections. Instead, they are going to try to marginalize him. After all, his term as chairman is […]


Backtracking Steele

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), currently touring Afghanistan, when asked about Michael Steele’s recent comments about this being “Obama’s War”: This is not President Obama’s war. This is America’s war. … I want to separate myself from that statement. And the good news is Michael Steele is backtracking so fast, he’s going to be in Kabul […]


Whining Crybaby!!

© Jim Morin See also Jon Stewart weighing in on Republican protests against blaming Bush. Not to mention the fact that the top presidential scholars have just rated Bush the absolute worst president of the modern era, and the fifth worst president of all time.


How to be a Sensible Liberal

© Tom Tomorrow Tom says that this strip was inspired by two columns by Glenn Greenwald: this and this. Also, Jon Stewart did a similar piece. And don’t forget this. However, Rachel Maddow has a contrary opinion:


The Whup-Ass Chronicles

[This is another story from Fred Wickham that I’m reposting. See his site for more.] On January 20th, 2008, a truckload of Whup-Ass was delivered to the White House. The pallets sat unbroken for nearly eighteen months until today, when President Obama had Rahm Emmanuel bring a box into the oval office. “How do we […]


Sometimes You Kick the Ass, Sometimes the Ass Kicks You

Jon Stewart takes Obama to task:



© R. J. Matson Once again, we seem to have a black person cleaning up for us.
