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Tag Archives: Obama

Getting Whitey

Hilarious piece on Michelle Obama’s Secret Negro Agenda: A few excerpts: Just as it is with Christians and gays, just because we say nasty things about you doesn’t mean we hate you. Good Christians hate the sin and love the sinner. We love white. We just hate whitey.  The first (actually, the only) item […]


Politics and Religion

© Ted Rall


Knowing when to stop

© RJ Matson


It’s time

© Jack Ohman


George Lucas: the Force is with Obama

While promoting the new Indiana Jones movie in Japan, George Lucas was asked who his heroes are. His response? “We have a hero in the making back in the United States today because we have a new candidate for president of the United States, Barack Obama. …For all of us that have dreams and hope, […]


Flag pin: just flop, no flip

One of the most wonderful things about the Internet is that any pinhead can be caught (on video often) being completely hypocritical. Take last night’s piece by Lou Dobbs where he called Obama a “flag pin flip-flopper” and then proudly proclaimed that he himself wears one. Of course, the Jed Report jumped on that, and […]


Lettuce be clear

Obama‘s problem is he doesn‘t seem like a guy who can go into an Applebee‘s salad bar and people think he fits in naturally there. He has to change to be more like that Applebee‘s guy and as he‘s done that he‘s become much more transactional. Much more, I‘m going to deliver this and this […]


The Winner

© Ken Catalino


To concede, or not to concede


Taped Shut

In a stunning triumph of spin over reality, the blogosphere is going crazy over a videotape — a tape that none of them have actually seen or heard, and might not even exist. Reports have been circulated (conveniently enough on the eve of the last two democratic primaries) that there is a tape containing video […]


Ku Klux Klan Won’t Endorse Obama

In what some people are calling a deathblow to his candidacy, the Ku Klux Klan has declined to not endorse Obama. Clinton warned us that Obama would not win the racist vote, but would we listen? A hilarious spoof:


Is it true about Obama?


Obama and McCain – Role Reversal

In an ironic role reversal this weekend, Obama spoke of his support for restoring veteran’s benefits, while McCain (the “war hero”) spent Memorial Day defending his vote against veterans and even tried the old “smear the messenger” trick of attacking Obama because he never served in the military. But apparently McCain’s record on veterans’ issues […]


Daily Show: West Virginia voters


Assassination as Political Strategy

In an interview, Clinton dismissed calls for her to drop out, saying: “My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. I don’t understand it.” I’m speechless. UPDATE: Bill Clinton’s […]
