Conservative radio talk-show host Hugh Hewitt got a wee bit carried away on his Wednesday show: I’m still trying to find two tickets to the Ohio State-USC game. And none of the USC people will give up their tickets to me. I’d pay fair price. They — they know Ohio State’s gonna slaughter the Trojans. […]
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It seems that all that Karl Rove has left are childish personal slurs. At a breakfast with Republican insiders yesterday, he described Barack Obama as: Even if you never met him, you know this guy. He’s the guy at the country club with the beautiful date, holding a martini and a cigarette that stands against the […]
The McCain campaign is attacking Obama because he gave a speech standing behind a seal that looks something like the presidential seal. They also implied that Obama committed a crime — even quoting 18 USC Sec. 713: “Whoever, except as authorized under regulations promulgated by the President and published in the Federal Register, knowingly manufactures, reproduces, sells, […]
The governor of Iowa requested that McCain cancel a campaign visit to the flood-stricken state, because that would divert law enforcement away from flood relief efforts in order to provide security for McCain. But McCain refused and went anyway, visiting several sites. This despite the fact that President Bush’s tour of the state diverted hundreds […]
Despite Obama’s message of change in Washington, some of his recent actions look more like the old politics. For example, Obama recently recorded an endorsement for incumbent Congressman John Barrow of Georgia. Never mind that Barrow is an extremely conservative “blue dog” Democrat whose pro-war, pro-big-business, pro-eavesdropping, pro-telecom-amnesty and pro-Bush positions are what Obama has been promising […]
Yesterday, Obama confused conservatives everywhere by announcing that he will not be spending any taxpayer money for his campaign, instead using private donations. Conservatives immediately attacked Obama, not realizing that they are ironically attacking him for doing exactly those things that they claim to love. Next thing you know, conservatives will be telling us that […]
Who says blogging doesn’t do any good?
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Here’s a tricky problem. We all have noticed that at political events, there are people sitting behind the politician that form a backdrop for the event. Most of us know that the campaigns pick the people who sit there, which is a “delicate exercise in demographics and political correctness.” On Monday, two women were prevented […]
At the recent Republican state convention, at least one vendor was selling this button. But why limit the attacks to Blacks? Another button for sale said “Press 1 for English. Press 2 for Deportation”. At least there was one button sold there that said “I will hold my nose when I vote for McCain”. Of course, […]
U.S. Senator John McCain today issued the following statement on the flooding in the Midwest: Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those impacted by the flooding throughout the Midwest. Cindy and I would like to extend our sympathies to all those who have lost loved ones, and stand ready to help those in […]
Speaking of Fox News, here’s a quote from Sunday December 17, 2006: Barack Obama is not going to beat Hillary Clinton in a single democratic primary. I’ll predict that right now. Who said it? Conservative Bill Kristol. As Mark Nickolas (the guy who dug up this gem) says, “This is why so many people laugh […]
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Just before Obama’s nationally televised speech on June 3, he and his wife did a “fist bump”. Apparently, Fox News is so out of it that they had never seen this before, and had to ask if this was (and I’m not making this up) “A terrorist fist jab?” Attention Fox News, there is this […]
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