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Tag Archives: Obama

Hitting a milestone

© Matt Davies


White House

© Mr. Fish.


Eerie resemblance

© Cam Cardow


Obama Hair Don’ts

From The Root.


Obama victory leaves supporters with nothing to talk about

More funny goodness from The Onion: Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are And their last line about babies being named after Barack is coming true, except that people are actually naming their babies “Obama”.


Hackers and Spending Sprees

Newsweek has a fascinating article with inside information on the political campaigns of both Obama and McCain. Both campaigns allowed special reporters inside their campaigns in exchange for a promise that they would not report anything until after the election was over. Some interesting highlights: Palin’s shopping spree was worse than reported. One angry McCain […]


Black Man Given Nation’s Worst Job

The Onion, as usual, has the most twisted look at the election results. WASHINGTON—African-American man Barack Obama, 47, was given the least-desirable job in the entire country Tuesday when he was elected president of the United States of America. In his new high-stress, low-reward position, Obama will be charged with such tasks as completely overhauling […]


Final Update to Palin as President

Check out the final update to the “Palin as President” game.


I have a dream!

© Chan Lowe


If this election had been held two years ago

Exactly two years ago, the polling firm SurveyUSA interviewed 30,000 voters spread evenly by state, asking them how they would vote in a 2008 Presidential Election between John McCain and Barack Obama. Here are the results: In this poll, Obama took his home state of Illinois, his birth state of Hawaii, and DC, for a […]


The Bradley Effect


Les Mesbarack – One More Day


Stunningly bad timing

The Republican National Committee issued a press release this afternoon, announcing that they were filing a complaint with the Federal Election Commission because Obama used campaign resources to fly to Hawaii a week ago to visit his ailing grandmother. Just about the same time Obama announced that his grandmother had died. oops. The Obama campaign […]


Dancing with the Political Stars

© Cam Cardow


Nice Going, You Just Saved Baby Hitler

Some of you might have received a mailer sent out by the anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony List. (We won’t go into how the mailer misrepresents Obama’s position on abortion). Here’s the front cover of the flyer: The site came up with a reply:
