Thursday, February 11, 2016
Conservative David Brooks, who never had much good to say about Obama, has suddenly turned around with a column in the NY Times titled “I Miss Barack Obama“. Ignore for a moment that Brooks seems to forget that Obama is still in office and going strong. And Brooks still disagrees with most of Obama’s policy […]
There is an interesting interview in Politico with Barack Obama from a week before the Iowa caucuses, talking about the 2016 election and what he thinks about Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders: Bernie came in with the luxury of being a complete long shot and just letting loose. I think Hillary came in with the […]
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Today, Barack Obama will visit an Islamic mosque on US soil, his first visit to an American mosque, and second of any sitting president. Presidents rarely visit houses of worship, except for their personal worship. It will be interesting to see the reaction. After all, 29% of Americans think he is a Muslim pretending to […]
One of my favorite things is checking up on people’s predictions of the future. Even better is when someone else does the checking up for me. Which brings us to this interesting article in ThinkProgress, containing four predictions made before the 2012 election of the dire things that would happen if Obama was reelected. The […]
As part of Obama’s effort to increase transparency and participation in government, the website allows people to submit petitions, and guarantees that if any petition receives more than 100,000 signatures, it will receive a response. It is somewhat ironic then that the response to a relatively popular petition was used to strike a blow […]
On his plans for his remaining time in office: “After the midterm elections, my advisers asked me, ‘Mr. President, do you have a bucket list?’ And I said, ‘Well, I have something that rhymes with bucket list.’ Take executive action on immigration — bucket. New climate regulations — bucket. It’s the right thing to do.” […]
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I loved the Key and Peele skit from a few years ago, but here’s a new version, this time starring the real Obama: It gets off to a slow start, but I loved the ending, so watch the whole thing. And if you never watched the original, click the link above.
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© Jack Ohman After spending years trying to get rid of him, the Republicans are so happy that Eric Holder is stepping down as Attorney General that they are refusing to confirm his replacement Loretta Lynch, which will give Holder another six months on the job. You would think that after holding him in contempt […]
Andy Borowitz has two hilarious satirical articles about the continued GOP attempts to sabotage Obama’s negotiations with Iran: “Kim Jong-Un Feels Snubbed By Absence of Letter from Republicans” has the North Korean dictator complaining that it was hurtful for Republicans to send a letter to Iran and ignore his country. After all, North Korea already […]
Saturday, December 27, 2014
America is Awesome! The U.S. economy grew at a rollicking 5 percent rate in the third quarter. Oh, and it added 320,000 jobs in November, the best of its unprecedented 57 straight months of private-sector employment growth. Just in time for Christmas, the Dow just hit an all-time high and the uninsured rate is approaching […]
Thursday, December 18, 2014
They say that insanity is when you keep doing the same thing, hoping for a different result. Well, we’ve had an embargo against Cuba for 53 years, hoping that would change Cuba. It hasn’t worked. So I am overjoyed that Obama has decided to change our relationship with Cuba. We are going to open an […]
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Obama appears on The Colbert Report, and hilarity ensues: Or you can watch the whole episode. And remember, The Colbert Report goes away forever in less than two weeks.
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After Obama announced his executive action to clean up some of our immigration mess, Republicans screamed bloody murder. As reported here over a week ago: Rep Steve King said that Obama was “throwing this nation into a crisis”. And Senator Tom Coburn warned of “violent reactions” from people who disagree with Obama, saying “the country’s […]
Thursday, November 20, 2014
The GOP is promising to “swiftly counter Obama’s immigration moves“. Senator Mitch McConnell even gave a speech today and declared that Obama would regret ignoring the wishes of the American people. McConnell said “We’re considering a variety of options”, which is a reference to shutting down the government or impeaching Obama. According to the NY […]
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
So in the aftermath of the midterm election, some emboldened Republicans are making plans. For example, Congressman Joe Barton (R-TX) has said that impeachment “would be a consideration” if Obama moves forward with executive action to solve our immigration problems. In addition, Republicans have said that they will force the approval of the Keystone XL […]