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Tag Archives: Nuclear Weapons


© Glenn McCoy Not only that, but Donald Trump is also bringing conservatives and progressives together. It has been a while since I’ve seen Glenn McCoy publish a comic that was critical of Trump. And even longer since I’ve seen a comic from him that was the least bit funny. But this one ticked my […]


Ringing in His Ears?

© Tom Tomorrow I’m still not sure if Donald Trump even believes half the stupid lies he tells. And now of course, Trump has become a “madman with nuclear weapons“, threatening to unleash “fire and fury and frankly power, the likes of which this world has never seen before” against North Korea. Considering that the […]


Time Delayed Hypocrisy

© Chan Lowe Have all those Republicans who are condemning Obama’s nuke agreement with Iran forgotten it was Saint Ronnie who illegally and secretly sold weapons to Iran (even though Congress had passed an arms embargo against them) in order to fund a terrorist group in Central America? I guess when the GOP votes to […]


Temper Tantrum

It is ironic that the GOP attempts to sabotage negotiations with Iran — first by inviting the Israeli Prime Minister to give a political campaign speech in Congress, then blatantly stating that they are indeed trying to sabotage the negotiations, and finally by sending an open letter to the Iranian government that was so condescending […]


Thorium in China

This blog has promoted the use of nuclear power to help solve our energy and climate change problems, but only if we can solve the problems of nuclear power. One such solution is switching from using uranium as nuclear fuel to using thorium, but so far the nuclear power industry has ignored that solution. Well, […]


Historic Agreement with Iran!

Months of intense negotiations have resulted in an historic agreement with Iran that signals a “game-changing rapprochement that would reduce the risk of a wider Middle East war“. Iran has agreed to place strict limits on their nuclear activities and submit to increased inspections. In return, the US — along with France, Germany, Britain, China, […]


Sabre Rattling

I know it is fashionable to make fun of Kim Jong-Un of North Korea as a crazy spoiled brat, but just think for a moment what is driving him. We are pressuring North Korea to give up their nuclear weapons program. However, we don’t have a very good track record of how we treat foreign […]
