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Tag Archives: Media

Dancing Around the Issues

© Scott Stantis Sounds hokey to me!


CNN Fail

Why is it that TV news has time and money for crap like this, but doesn’t have either for real investigative journalism?


We Have Nothing To Fear Except Failure

© Tom Tomorrow The last week or so was a heck of a fail. The Media is at the top of my list, who seem to have changed from making fun of blogs and other social media, to just repeating stuff they find on the internet verbatim with no fact checking what-so-ever. And how tone […]


We Have The Technology

© Ruben Bolling I know that North Korea fell out of the News cycle after the events in Boston, but this comic is just too funny to ignore. If you don’t remember the Great Photoshop war of 2008 with Iran, here’s a (hilarious) reminder.


White House Accidentally Orders Drone Strike on Fox News Headquarters

[excerpted from Free Wood Post] On Thursday, at approximately 2:37 AM, members of the Joint Chiefs alerted President Obama that the Drone Strike System or DSS had activated and that several fully armed drones had been sent to deal with an “immediate threat to national security”. The President, realizing the system’s mistake was able to […]


Sunny Germany?

Only on Fox News. Why let reality get in the way of defending the stranglehold large multinational oil companies have on our energy future? Fox and Friends was ridiculing Obama’s “failed” strategy to promote solar energy in the US, but there was the little detail of Germany to contend with. Germany is leading the world […]


Fox News Can’t Keep A Straight Face During This One

[from Media Matters] Even Fox News hosts can’t keep from laughing at their own latest over-the-top Obama conspiracy lie — their lead line for the Obama inauguration “Does Obama believe in the Constitution he’ll swear to defend?”


Media Circus

© Matt Wuerker People buy the media they want, consequently we all get the media we deserve. So what does that say about us? However, I think some of this problem is an artifact, left over from the days, not so very long ago, when you could trust the news media. You know, back when […]


Enter the Internet

© Tony Auth Is social media really changing what is politically possible? I hope so.


Actual Journalism

Roger Ailes [Fox News] has helped kill conservatism in America, by never allowing it to criticize itself. When journalism puts power above truth it isn’t, to coin a phrase, “actual journalism”. It’s propaganda. — Andrew Sullivan UPDATE: While longer than Sullivan’s quote, Bruce Bartlett has a must-read piece in American Conservative called “Revenge of the […]


Is there a word for Irony in Chinese?

This isn’t the first time a satirical article in The Onion has been taken for serious news, but it may be the funniest time. The Onion named North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un the “Sexiest Man Alive for 2012“. With his devastatingly handsome, round face, his boyish charm, and his strong, sturdy frame, this Pyongyang-bred heartthrob […]


How to (abruptly) end an interview on Fox News

[Hat tip to Media Matters] The worst part of Fox News’ incessant yammering on about the Benghazi attack is that they have been so transparently partisan and gotten their facts so terribly wrong, that it has made it virtually impossible to have a real investigation into the death of the US Ambassador to Libya, either […]


Post Election Porn

© Keef Knight As far as guilty pleasures go, it’s a pretty good one.


Animals in the Zoo

[Our favorite senior citizens Margaret and Helen had this post on their blog two days after the election.] Margaret, I ventured into new territory today. I tuned into Fox News. It was kind of like going to the zoo… not so scary once you learn the animals can’t get out of their cages. Just like […]


Mister Romney’s Neighborhood

Jimmy Fallon plays Mitt Romney playing Mister Rogers:
