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Tag Archives: Media

Reality-based Media

Krystal Ball tells it like it is: Why can’t the rest of the media explain it as simply and straightforwardly as this? UPDATE: Apparently the American people agree. In a new poll, 54% think it is a bad thing that the GOP controls the House (compared to 38% who think it is a good thing). […]


Is Obamacare the “Train Wreck”, or is it Fox News?

Eric Stern wondered if the accusations by Fox News that Obamacare is a “train wreck” have any basis in reality. So he was very interested when Sean Hannity last week had three couples on his show, each of which had an Obamacare “horror story” to tell. But their stories often didn’t make sense, so he […]


Smackdown: Obamacare v. ACA

Jimmy Kimmel asks people on the street whether they prefer Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act. With hilarious results. This is what we are up against when the Republicans claim that people don’t like Obamacare. Most people have no clue about it. [Hat tip to Huff Post]


The Search for Sanity … Out There!

© Tom Tomorrow The “journalist” in the last panel is David Gregory from “Meet the Press”. Who during a heated exchange did indeed ask Greenwald why he shouldn’t be charged with a felony. Gregory claimed that Greenwald “aided and abetted Snowden, even in his current movements”. Gregory seems to think it is the job of […]


Quick, Queue the Music!

Lesley Stahl explains the big problem with our political system in one minute. Network responds by queueing the “we gotta go now” music. It is amazing of how ingrained money is in our political system. The next time you hear someone in the news say that so-and-so is not a serious political candidate, that is […]


Return of Comic Morality

World War II and especially the following Cold War saw a dramatic rise in the popularity of comic book heroes like Superman, Batman, Captain America and dozens of others. It was a time of tension and uncertainty, so it was comforting to have heroes who were on our side, even looking out for us, and […]



Last month, NBC announced it will show a four-hour miniseries about Hillary Clinton and CNN Films announced plans for a documentary about her. Today, RNC chair Reince Priebus threatened to freeze those two networks out of any primary or presidential debates if they don’t pull the plug on their Clinton plans. What’s ironic about this […]


Sexual Politics

Bodyform is a British manufacturer of, um, feminine hygiene products (like, Maxipads). Like many companies, they have a Facebook page. Last year, someone posted the following comment on their page (all typos are from the source): Hi , as a man I must ask why you have lied to us for all these years . […]


Am I Racist?

© Ted Rall Was it my imagination, or was the media trying to turn this into another blockbuster like the OJ Simpson trial? Everyone seems to be riled up, but we still don’t have any real answers as to what to do. I’m thinking that “stand your ground” laws are a very bad idea, but […]


Colbert on Racist Names

I knew Stephen Colbert would have something hilarious to say about this.



So, within 30 seconds of the crash of Asiana flight 214 at SFO, there was a photo of it posted on Twitter. Almost as quickly, the mainstream media jumped on the theory that the crash occurred because of the Korean tradition of unwillingness to question authority. The theory posited that surely one of the co-pilots […]


You’re A Troll

Wow. This is the first musical rant I think I’ve ever seen!


The Onion Calls it Quits?

Is this real?


Benghazi Redux

Some last tidbits about Benghazi. First, Glenn Greenwald makes some good points on Bill Maher’s show (and Maher just comes off as a jerk): And a funny comic. Everyone should apply this to their assholes: I actually agree with both sides. As Glenn Greenwald says, when a US ambassador gets killed, there should be some […]


Obama at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Obama was pretty funny this year. Conan, um, not so much.
