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Tag Archives: Media

The ‘eductaion’ of Fox News


The Great Photoshop War of 2008

© Ruben Bolling


One last New Yorker cover take-off

© Steve Benson UPDATE: Well, I just had to add Vanity Fair’s take-off cover:


The New Yorker – Satire-Free Edition

© Jim Borgman


Are you fed up with the whole New Yorker cover thing yet?

© Ben Sargent


Obama is not funny

One or two people have mentioned to me that I seem to be partisan in my selection of articles. It isn’t that I don’t have any articles making fun of Obama, they are just dwarfed in number by all the articles about McCain. Finally, I have a defense. The International Herald Tribune asks “What’s so […]


New Yorker cover “tasteless and offensive”?

The McCain and Obama campaigns finally agree on something — this upcoming cover of The New Yorker magazine is “tasteless and offensive”: via Politico full size image The artist defends his cover art Personally, I find the cover funny, although I’m not sure if everyone will get the humor. The bottom line is that The […]


On this 4th, remember the Right to Free Speech and Drugs

Someone is going to have an extra reason to celebrate the Fourth of July — Rush Limbaugh just signed a radio contract worth $400 million. This is what our forefathers fought for: from 23/6 We have to wonder how things would have been different if Rush had gone to prison for his illegal drug use, […]


Ever-Ready Fox News lies again, and again, and again

Gen. Wesley Clark says that McCain’s military record (which he praised) does not automatically make McCain the best candidate for president. The media, led by Fox News and the McCain campaign, goes wingnut claiming that Clark attacked McCain’s military service (even though he did not). The McCain campaign tries to blame Obama and attack his lack […]


What Wesley Clark said — and how the media covered it

If you ever wanted clear evidence of how bad our mainstream media has become, watch this: A simple video consisting first of Gen. Wesley Clark during an interview being asked about McCain. Followed by the media going absolutely rabid.


GAO: The surge is not working

Bush says the surge in Iraq is working. McCain says the surge is working. The media parrots these sound bites. But a report released by the General Accounting Office says otherwise. What a concept: someone actually took the goals the Bush administration laid out in January 2007 for the “surge”, and one-by-one analyzed them to see if […]


Do not adjust your television set?


If the blogosphere didn’t exist, we’d have to create it

The utter failure of the mainstream media to do their job and actually report news is leaving a vacuum. Witness the lack of coverage of the “military analyst” story — a story in which the media were certainly complicit — since if you are simply a propaganda arm of the government and corporate establishment, why […]


Media Hype

I’m not sure if this is ironic, or if everything else coming from the Mainstream Media is what is truly ironic. John Harris, in Politico — masters of media hype — has published a story about … media hype. What makes the situation even more ironic is that it feeds the problem where the […]
