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Tag Archives: Media

Joe the Plumber Smack-down

I’m really glad someone finally called out Joe the Plumber, or rather his current incarnation as Joe the War Correspondent. Joe’s opinion of working for the news? I think media should be abolished from, you know, reporting. UPDATE: More at Raw Story.


Broadcasting Change

© John Trever


Goodwill from Fox News

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Media Lapdogs

An article in The Guardian gives a scary view at the depths that the US media will sink in order to kiss up to the Bush administration. The article is about the $70M lawsuit that Dan Rather is bringing against CBS for breach of contract. Rather was fired the day after the 2004 election because […]


Journalist admits mistake!

And you know, I think even more highly of Rachel Maddow for taking responsibility for this and discussing it in detail. Read the LA Progressive article “Why I love Rachel Maddow“.


Fox News asks the tough questions

Several liberal blogs have noted that Obama had not called on a single reporter from Fox News in his first five press conferences since the election, speculating it was a freeze-out for Fox’s Republicans lapdog status. But the thaw is on, as Obama has finally called on a Fox News reporter yesterday at his press conference to announce […]


Novak and Treason

In a completely self-serving interview in the National Ledger, conservative columnist Robert Novak admits that — despite his mantra that he was “just a simple reporter reporting the facts” — he did have an agenda that he pushed. So his “mantra” is a lie — no big surprise. But the really stunning part of the […]



I really enjoy spoof websites that are so well done that the people who are being spoofed don’t figure it out (at least, not right away). I just got a note from HanniBalls about his website, called Fannity that describes itself as a site for Sean Hannity fans. Just to whet your appetite, here’s a […]


The best fake news money can buy

The Center for Media and Democracy presents a startling indictment of TV news stations, who use video segments produced by PR firms for corporate clients and present them as their own news stories: A station in New York showed — as news — a video produced for a drug company that touted their new supplement […]


Clickocracy – one nation under Google, with email and video for all

Obama has announced that he will be making a weekly posting to YouTube (which is owned by Google) of four-minute long videos, starting tomorrow and continuing indefinitely. Other members of his staff will also be posting videos. Already, transition co-chairman Valerie Jarrett has recorded a two-minute video and posted it. The videos can be found […]


Helen Thomas returns to give Obama hell!

From fishbowlLA.


Who the F@#k Is that Guy? Could be you.


Hilarious Hannity Poetry!

Yesterday, Keith Olbermann read on his show a poem that was sent to him by none other than John Cleese. You really should watch Olbermann read the poem (at about the 2:45 mark), but if you are too lazy, here’s the text: Ode to Sean Hannity by John Cleese Aping urbanity Oozing with vanity Plump as […]


Don’t they know we have it recorded?

One of the things I really love is how the Internet has changed politics, but some people haven’t received the memo. Gone are the days when politicians and pundits could blithely contradict themselves, because now we can just look it up on on the innertubes and point out their hypocrisy. Glenn Greenwald points out a […]


Fox News can’t see the truth right in front of their eyes

You can even hear people laughing at the Fox reporter’s stupidly obvious mendacity. This is more proof that:
