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Tag Archives: Media

Associated Press YouTube Fail

It is well known that traditional media sources are in trouble, largely due to the rise of the internet and what that is doing to their business model. You might think that the media would at least try to understand their biggest competitor. But you would be wrong, as evidenced by this recent epic fail […]


Faux News can’t get anything right

Despite their claim to be “fair and balanced”, hardly anyone is surprised at the stupid antics pulled by the Fox News Channel anymore. Nevertheless, some people complained when FNC started actively promoting anti-Obama “tea party” protests across the country, even inviting their viewers to participate in “FNC Tax Day Tea Parties” featuring their top stars: […]


Bill O’Reilly the Squeaky Mouse

Movie critic Roger Ebert has a terrific column where he responds to Bill O’Reilly putting the Chicago Sun-Times in his “Hall of Shame”, and cuts him a new one. You really do need to read the whole thing, but here’s the last few sentences: Bill, I am concerned that you have been losing touch with […]


Ann Coulter, April Fool

On April 1, Car and Driver magazine ran a joke story claiming Obama had ordered GM and Chrysler to stop participating in NASCAR. It was pretty funny, and I’d link to it except that they already took the story down. But apparently Ann Coulter got fooled, writing: If Obama can tell GM and Chrysler that […]


Is Fox Pining for 9/11?

Stephen Colbert gives a brilliant response to Fox’s Glenn Beck, who went over the deep end recently, crying repeatedly while longing for the good old days immediately after 9/11: UPDATE: Armchair Generalist explains why this video is necessary viewing: It really is time to stop thinking it’s September 12, 2001, every day. Steven Colbert wears […]


The Murdoch Echo Chamber

Since Rupert Murdoch (the founder of Fox News) purchased the Wall Street Journal in 2007, we can see just how the mainstream news works. Last month, the WSJ claimed that Obama was using a list of reporters to call on during his press conferences, and argued that President Bush would not have been able to […]


Loser Financial Advice

CNBC turns hypocrisy into a fine art, and Jon Stewart is on a roll: Wasn’t it only a few weeks ago that comedians were worried that with Bush gone, they would not have enough material? UPDATE: Jon Stewart appeared on Letterman Thursday night, and continued his criticisms of the cable financial news channels: The thing […]


How to Look Like a Conservative


Poor Joe the Plumber

I had to think twice about posting this article, because my posting this is itself ironic (isn’t it my job to be making fun of other people’s irony and hypocrisy?). But here goes anyway. It has long bothered me that the mainstream media often gives a platform to people who really don’t deserve one, because […]


Fox News Gaffe Fail

Fox News tries to play up a minor gaffe by Biden but fails miserably. There’s even an extra special bonus from them — their own gaffe. Jon Stewart reports:


Get your news bottled

This is brilliant: © Matt Bors


Bill O’Reilly’s Right To Privacy

Jon Stewart dramatically demonstrates the stunning and hilarious hypocrisy of Bill O’Reilly:


Lil’ O’Reilly

This totally fits the Bill: From Funny or Die.


Bill O’Reilly claims he doesn’t report rumors

Live from last Thursday, it’s Bill O’Reilly on last night’s Colbert Report:


Fox News Rewrites History to Blame the Dems

Just a few days left to one of the worst presidencies in history, but Fox News is dutifully still trying to blame everything on the Democrats (especially Bill Clinton). In a news report today, Fox reporter Wendell Goler said: This president inherited a budget surplus, but he also inherited what he called “the trifecta of […]
