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Tag Archives: Media

The Noise Machine

© Ruben Bolling I don’t know if it is intentional or just a byproduct of his need for constant attention, but Donald Trump has been extremely successful at manipulating the 24 hour news cycle. Not only dominating the day’s conversation, but making us forget about everything from yesterday and before. Most frighteningly, hiding (with the […]



© Jim Morin Donald Trump promised that we would win so much we would get tired of winning. Well, I’m not tired yet, but Trump has been the indirect cause of several wins. The 2017 Pulitzer prizes were announced on Monday, and there were multiple awards for negative coverage of Trump, including cartoonist Jim Morin […]


Don’t Make Him Angry

Stephen Colbert is angry because Donald Trump is distracting him from the real news out there. Listen and weep (with tears of laughter):


Stephen v. Stephen

Stephen Colbert’s conservative alter-ego makes an appearance on The Late Show, to complain about Trump’s budget: BTW, in the “interesting silver lining” category, after lagging behind the two Jimmies ever since it started, Colbert’s The Late Show has now been the top late night talk show for seven weeks. In other words, ever since Trump […]


Mocking Maddow

Stephen Colbert hilariously mocks Rachel Maddow for how she overhyped the release of Trump’s not-all-that-interesting tax return: He then goes into full V-neck mode to mock how Maddow stretched out her not-all-that-interesting reveal into an hour-long snooze:


Trump’s Bizarre Press Conference

I’m sure most people have heard about Trump’s first solo press conference on Thursday, but Seth Meyers has a good take on it: At what point does it become too painful for Trump supporters to hear what keeps coming out of his mouth. Or have they already stopped listening?


SNL on Spicer

Melissa McCarthy does a hilarious take on White House press secretary Sean Spicer. Trump is already making Saturday Night Live great again! Is this a parody, or a reenactment? And props to the props.


This Week in Alternative Facts

NPR has started a new feature called “This Week in Trump’s ‘Alternative Facts’“. It is basically another fact-checking service, but more real time, and focusing on things that Trump and his close aides and advisors say. This week’s lies include: Trump’s claims that 3 to 5 million illegal votes were cast in the presidential election […]


Trump’s Presser — SNL Style

Apparently Trump isn’t too happy about this. They accused Saturday Night Live of being “mean” and a “complete hit job”. Yes that’s right, the jerk who attacked a judge because of his Mexican heritage, dissed John McCain for being shot down over VietNam, made fun of a disabled reporter, and repeatedly attacked a Gold Star […]


Liberal Media is Back!

One piece of good news is that the progressive media has become energized and is preparing for the Trump presidency. Every cloud has a silver lining, and presidency of Dubya launched many liberal news organizations, such as The Young Turks, Air America (which shuttered in 2010 after Obama became president), and Talking Points Memo joined […]


Fact Checking Trump’s Tweets

The Washington Post fact checker has started a new column just to check Trump’s tweets each week: For the first installment, they check eight tweets from last week. New installments coming every week.


The Future of Fox News?

One bit of ironic news is that one of the major causes of our current national dysfunction, Fox News, is not doing very well. Roger Ailes, the creator of the greatest faux news propaganda machine in our nation’s history, is long gone. And now, Megyn Kelly has announced that she is leaving Fox News and […]


Subversive Political Art

An interesting article about the Time magazine cover naming Donald Trump the “Person of the Year”. The article concludes “As a photograph, it’s a rare achievement. As a cover, it’s a statement.” As someone who has studied art, I must say I think they are spot-on. If you are at all interested in how photographs […]


Manchurian Social Networks!

A week ago I posted an article arguing that the easiest way to throw an election would be to spread disinformation over social networks. Well, we now have proof (independently verified by two parties) that this has already happened. Two teams of independent researchers found that the Russians exploited American-made technology platforms to attack U.S. […]


Social Media News

© Stuart Carlson I am becoming more and more convinced that micro-targeting of news (through AM talk radio, the internet, and especially social media) is largely to blame for the divorce of politics from reality (and consequently the election of Donald Trump). It also explains why Democrats were convinced that Hillary Clinton was about to […]
