A great montage of the politicians who have appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno over the last 17 years:
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An article in The Economist (of all places) talks about the difficulty comedians are having making jokes about Obama: David Letterman says that Obama is “cogent, eloquent, and in complete command of the issues. What the hell am I supposed to do with that?” Bill Mayer complains that Obama is “not fat, not cheating on […]
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Glenn Greenwald in Salon quotes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times, and says that her column is “uncharacteristically cogent and substantive”. Hmmm. TPM points out that at least one paragraph from Dowd’s column was plagiarized from an earlier column by Josh Marshall in TPM. Does that explain why Greenwald thought it was such a […]
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And remember that Sean Hannity hasn’t said a word since he agreed to be waterboarded.
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On Monday, I wrote about how — despite the danger of a swine flu pandemic — Republicans were blocking the appointment of Kathleen Sibelius to head Health and Human Services because of her views on abortion (for example, she vetoed a bill that would have prevented abortion even when the mother’s life was in danger), […]
Jon Stewart nails it on the head again. Best quote is: “Apparently everyone’s not upset about the fact that we torture. They’re upset about the fact that we know about it.” I do want to point out one little thing. When joking about how one prisoner was waterboarded 183 times in one month, Stewart thinks […]
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A year ago, David Barstow reported in the NY Times reported on how the Pentagon was manipulating the news by planting retired generals into major networks as independent analysts, and that in many cases the networks themselves were complicit. What made this even worse was that this story was completely suppressed by the networks in question, including […]
There’s a giant gay storm gathering, and before long the winds will be blowing each other.
This short clip from Fox News demonstrates clearly why these charlatans shouldn’t have press credentials. The headline is “National Healthcare: Breeding Ground for Terror?” I kid you not: This is so wrong on so many different levels: Their whole premise, that nationalized health care promotes terrorism, is a joke. But they don’t get the joke. […]
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Some coverage from CNN featuring a protestor calling Obama a fascist and holding a sign depicting Obama as Hitler. The reporter asks him several times why he thinks Obama is a fascist, and his reply is only “because he is”. A more accurate answer to her question might have been “because Fox News tells me […]
Whenever I receive one of those chain letters making some unbelievable claims, I wander over to Snopes to see if it is true (or if it really is literally unbelievable). But recently a chain letter has been going around that claims that Snopes itself lies, and is secretly run by Democrats (horrors!). Which brings up […]
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So, is the line in the first panel about looking pale a dig at Glenn Beck? In the immediately preceding post here, he is looking a bit ghoulish. © Tom Tomorrow
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Earlier today, I posted a story about Fox News Channel blatantly lying about its role in the “tea parties” that are being held around the US. Not willing to merely rest on their laurels, Fox News then proceeded to get the whole pirate standoff story wrong, taking it as an opportunity to lambast the Obama administration for […]