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Tag Archives: Media

Who’s the Fool Now?

© Kevin Siers Why would anyone believe anything coming from Andrew Breitbart ever again? We’ve already been fooled more than once by him. As Dubya said, “fool me once, shame on, shame on you. Fool me, you can’t get fooled again”.


Great Political Ad


Another Reason to Love Rachel Maddow


Jews fleeing Israel for Poland, Germany

[I’m reposting this from Bullseye Rooster, in honor of Helen Thomas. © Fred Wickham] Nearly eighty years after displacement from their historic early 20th century homeland, Israelites are returning to Europe. From the air, impossibly long lines of Priuses, motorbikes, and tour-buses can be seen carrying the Jews through the desert into Syria. From there, […]


Bush – the Gold Standard for Screw-ups

This entire video is great, but it really gets interesting around the 4:50 mark, when Jon Stewart points out the stunning irony of conservative pundits comparing Obama to Bush; for example, claiming that the nomination of Elena Kagan is “Obama’s Harriet Miers”, the oil spill is “Obama’s Katrina”, health care is “Obama’s Iraq”, and on […]


Comedian in Chief

Some of the jokes Obama told at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner: It’s been quite a year since I’ve spoken here last — lots of ups, lots of downs — except for my approval ratings, which have just gone down. But that’s politics. It doesn’t bother me. Beside I happen to know that my approval […]


We better hope that aliens aren’t monitoring our news broadcasts, because it will probably look like this to them

© Tom Tomorrow


Health Care Reform Increases Conservative’s Blood Pressure – iPad edition

Congratulations to Mark Fiore for winning the Pulitzer for his editorial cartoons (like this one). Ironically, Apple computer rejected an iPhone/iPad app that plays Fiore’s (Pulitzer winning) cartoons, because “it contains content that ridicules public figures”, and thus is “objectionable” and “defamatory”. Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch has praised the iPad, saying “There’s going to […]



© Steve Sack After spending an hour interviewing Democratic Congressman Eric Massa, who was just forced to resign, Glenn Beck admitted “America, I’m gonna shoot straight with you. I think I’ve wasted your time. I have wasted an hour of your time. And I apologize for that.” Shouldn’t he end every one of his shows […]


Stewart Skullf#@ks Blogosphere

I just had to use that headline. Watch the video and see why:


Only Conservatives Allowed to Run Advocacy Ads During the Superbowl

Two years ago, CBS refused to run ads created by during the Superbowl, claiming that “the spot violated the network’s policy against running issue advocacy advertising”. They also refused to run an ad from PETA, the animal rights group, because they do not accept advertisements on “controversial issues of public importance.” This year CBS […]


This is one of those comics that you think can’t be true, but then again…

… some of the ideas that have been proposed recently seem like someone was just trying to see how crazy an idea they could get away with. Like billions in dollars in bonuses being handed out by companies that were about to go bankrupt. WTF? Are they just trying to demonstrate conclusively that they own […]


Smackdown: Olbermann v. Stewart

Jon Stewart takes on Keith Olbermann, and Olbermann responds … ironically:


What the Center Can Hold: a Holiday Wish

Obama is in a tough spot. His biggest promise was to “change the tone of politics in Washington”, by seeking a return to respectful political dialog, careful deliberation rather than pandering to voters, and actual governance rather than sound bites. But in keeping his promise, he is being denounced as not being tough enough. Americans […]


The Best News Money Can Buy

According to an article in the NY Times, The Dallas Morning News has restructured its management so that news editors now report directly to the executives who mange ad sales. According to the Times this “overturns longstanding traditions in American newspapers aimed at shielding news judgments from business concerns.” Does this make you want to […]
