A few days ago, Jon Stewart appeared on ‘Fox News Sunday” with Chris Wallace. But as Stewart points out on his show, Fox selectively edited the interview before broadcasting it, removing the most interesting part: where Chris Wallace admits that — contrary to their claims — Fox News is not fair or balanced, but is […]
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According to an article in Politico, if you don’t like the political opinions expressed by conservative talk radio hosts like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, or even Rush Limbaugh, you can pay them to have different opinions. Limbaugh regularly promotes the Heritage Foundation, and even encourages people to contribute money to it. Same thing for Hannity. […]
It’s a good thing I have sworn off posting articles about Sarah Palin. If I were posting anything about her (like everyone else), I’d point out the hypocrisy of her continuously using the phrase “lamestream media” when in fact her only job for the last few years has been working for Fox News (the lamest […]
[reposted from Margaret and Helen] Margaret, I wish Harold could have lived to see this day. As a veteran, he was always hopeful that we would one day get Bin Laden. He would have been very proud and then he would have been pissed. Had I not seen it with my own eyes, I would […]
Many of us complain about the media, but we rarely get solid numerical proof that something is wrong. But a study published earlier this month evaluated the accuracy of predictions made by political pundits. Their results? Most pundits were no better at predicting things than tossing a coin. Interestingly, liberal pundits were more accurate than […]
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The published, edited version: Andrew Breitbart is the enemy of truth. He showed two videos that had an NAACP chap that didn’t give a white farmer the sweat off his balls. The original version, with editing marks: Andrew Breitbart is the enemy of big government. He uncovered the truth beneath a deceptive administration when he […]
Satirist Andy Borowitz reports that a new poll shows that 97% of Americans favor SEAL Team Six — the elite unit that took out Osama bin Laden — landing on the US Capitol building and taking out Congress by force. According to the study “There’s a broad consensus out there that the Navy SEALs get […]
The the White House Correspondents’ dinner, Obama roasts himself, his birth certificate, Trump, Michelle, Biden, and Hollywood. Very funny. Here’s the roast from Seth Meyers — Obama was funnier! But you should at least watch when Meyers skewers Trump (at 11:55) — the best part is when the camera shows Trump in the audience, definitely […]
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© Jen Sorensen Who says we are running out of energy? We as a nation spend an unbelievable amount of energy on politics (longest election campaigns in the world!), birth certificates, stopping gay marriage, being afraid, and texting while driving.
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Lloyd Dangle publishes his last comic: © Lloyd Dangle It is interesting that his final comic he asks a question I have often asked myself — “Am I making a difference?”
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Fox News, the station that argued in court that they have the right to purposely lie, that gives far more airtime to Republicans than to Democrats, and even gives money to the Republican party, is advertising its new special report “Behind The Bias: The Liberal Media Bias”. It will be hypocritically hosted by Sean Hannity. […]
© Tom Toles Apparently Beck was too crazy for even Fox News. Or maybe they weren’t paying him enough. A few tweets: Richard Roeper: “Glenn Beck to leave Fox News. Announcement causes immediate, drastic fall in stock price of chalkboards, Hitler graphics and bottled crazy.” Roger Ebert: “Fox drops Glenn Beck. One small step for […]
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Katrina vanden Heuvel (editor and publisher of The Nation) has a brilliant opinion piece this week that highlights how little regard the mainstream media has for the truth, and the hypocrisy of a country that claims that people should be held accountable for their actions. Here are some quotes: Last Sunday, ABC’S “This Week” turned […]
We keep telling ourselves that the USA is a shining beacon of freedom, and yet, most Americans aren’t being allowed to watch Al Jazeera’s English-language channel on our TVs. Is it because of lack of demand? No — the three cities in the US where Al Jazeera English is broadcast have high viewership numbers. Over […]
Republicans are determined to silence the only large media outlet that is not completely controlled by corporate interests. Of course, they won’t admit to that — they claim that they are trying to save taxpayer money. Even though the CBO says that the move to defund NPR will not save a penny of the taxpayer’s […]
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