Monday, February 13, 2012
Has anyone checked the temperature in hell recently? Fox News host Bill O’Reilly has written a column that I completely agree with! In fact, it is downright reasonable. O’Reilly defends JC Penney’s right to hire Ellen DeGeneres as a spokesperson. She is openly gay, and at least one conservative group is calling for JC Penney […]
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Talk about Christmas presents from the Republican Party! And it just keeps getting better and better. Early this morning, the Virginia Republican Party announced that only two candidates had fulfilled the requirements to be on the primary ballot in Virginia. Those two candidates are Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. That’s right, Newt Gingrich didn’t make […]
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
British newspaper The Guardian has an excellent article on how Fox News is basically running the Republican primary, and as a result is helping Obama’s reelection bid, maybe even giving Obama a landslide victory. You don’t believe that Fox News is running the Republican primary? After all, Fox hasn’t endorsed any candidates. But it is […]
Conan O’Brien (perhaps unintentionally) exposes the vacuous echo chamber that is the mainstream media:
Friday, September 9, 2011
Jon Stewart explains who won the Republican debate. And why the pundits don’t get it.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Jon Stewart points out the hypocrisy of the mainstream media. They even joke about the fact that they studiously ignore Ron Paul. What I don’t understand is how the media can not take Ron Paul seriously, when they seem to be able to take people like Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, and even Sarah Palin seriously. […]
Watch the whole thing. First how the media reported it, then what really happened:
Fox News plays the victim card regarding calling the Norwegian terrorist a Christian, when (not surprisingly) they have repeatedly done the same thing they are accusing others of doing. Confused? Jon Stewart explains it all: But playing the victim card by Fox News is not limited to the terrorist incident in Norway. Fox News has […]
Rupert Murdoch humbly throws his employees under the bus, but still remains defiant, clueless, and sleepy:
Fox News desperately tries to change the subject from the News Corp scandal.
It seems apropos that when the new Sarah Palin documentary opened in (an overly optimistic) ten theaters across the nation, for at least one of those theaters the only person in the audience was a member of the press. Let us pray that her 15 minutes of fame has finally expired. Anyone who thinks that […]
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What’s ironic about this is not just that Fox News is avoiding mentioning the scandals their parent company News Corp is embroiled in — shutting down one of their British newspapers due to illegal phone hacking, bribery, and lies to Parliament. No, the real irony is that other News Corp properties, like the Wall Street […]
Buzzfeed has an absolutely hilarious article showing actual news articles compared to the Fox News, um, creative reinterpretation of those headlines. Here is just a small sampling of them: Actual News Headline Fox News Headline USDA gay-sensitifity training seeks larger audience Obama Bureaucrats Imposing Radical Homosexual Sensitivity Training? Michele Bachmann’s First Dude The Left Launches […]
© Matt Bors Hopefully, we’ll be out of Afghanistan before we start sending soldiers who weren’t born when the war there started. Obama’s announcement of a partial withdrawal (announced after this comic was published) is a good first step.
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This really pissed me off. As Jon Stewart pointed out, the mainstream media isn’t interested in news, they are only interested in sensation and scandal. Want proof? Nancy Pelosi calls a press conference to talk about jobs and the economy, but it coincidentally gets scheduled the day that Anthony Weiner is going to announce his […]