Wednesday, October 10, 2012
© David Horsey Who else thinks that defunding PBS has nothing to do with balancing the budget, and everything to do with pushing the Republican agenda. After all, you can’t buy public television. As the cartoonist David Horsey put it: So, after many long months of campaigning and promising to cut the deficit while also […]
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© Lalo Alcaraz Mitt Romney makes a meal of Big Bird. So much for creating jobs! Luckily, some Sesame Street characters become productive contributors to the economy. © Nick Anderson
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Friday, September 28, 2012
In the face of overwhelming polling data that shows Obama with strong leads in both the popular vote and in the electoral college, Fox News naturally goes on the offensive, claiming that all those polls that show Obama ahead are insidious propaganda from the obviously liberal media. The only problem? Fox News’ own polls show […]
Thursday, August 23, 2012
© Brian McFadden Once upon a time, the media played an important role in educating citizens about the issues. Now they are just bought and paid for by corporations, like almost everything else.
Last week I posted a video with Soledad O’Brien interviewing John Sununu, and challenging him when he repeated lies Republican talking points. Well, it looks like CNN acting like a source of real journalism wasn’t a fluke. This week, O’Brien challenged Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) to explain his claim that Paul Ryan’s plan for Medicare […]
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
After the whole Valerie Plame mess, I’m surprised that anyone would give a job to Judith Miller (or even listen to anything she has to say). But I’m not surprised that it was Fox News.
I love it when the media actually does their job. Fortune Magazine investigated the whole “Fast and Furious” scandal. You know, the one where Republicans are accusing ATF of allowing guns to be sold to Mexican drug cartels, two of which guns were used to kill border patrol agent Brian Terry. I knew something didn’t […]
© Derf This much is true — the US has pulled funding from the Pakistani version of Sesame Street on the basis of an anonymous call to their anti-corruption hotline. The family-run Rafi Peer Theater Workshop, which competed against more than 300 applicants in 2010 for the US funded contract to run the show, says […]
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In the British inquiry into Rupert Murdoch and his newspapers, former conservative prime minister John Major testified under oath that Murdoch demanded that the government change its policy toward becoming part of the European Union or else his papers would oppose Major in the upcoming election. Major declined to change the policy and sure enough, […]
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© Joel Pett This is a question that has been bugging me for some time. I love the Internet, I make my living from it, and even if I didn’t I couldn’t imagine living without it now. But at the same time, I wonder if on balance, has the Internet has been a good thing […]
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The next time someone complains about how the media is in love with Obama, just show them this graph: This chart is driven by data from the non-partisan and widely respected Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism. It tracks negative and positive coverage over time for the major political candidates. The red lines […]
I think one of the problems of the conservative echo chamber is that encourages people like Michelle Malkin to get even more strident and crazy, because their primary audience eats it up, as long as they are saying negative things about Obama. Even if they make no sense at all. My big question is, now […]
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Who keeps funding these stupid propaganda videos made by James O’Keefe? The guy isn’t even very good at lying, and he certainly is a very sorry excuse for a journalist. His latest video, which you can watch here (if you can stand to), he harasses two men claiming that they voted in North Carolina elections […]
© Brian McFadden I’m posting this mainly for the line about false equivalences. But I also like the warning at the end. Of course, the whole problem with this is that the political parties often do hope that you will get bored with the election and tune out, since then the results will be defined […]
© Tom Tomorrow The problem is that the media doesn’t even have to make shit up like this, they can just repeat the crap that other people make up.
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