Take the Bush-McCain challenge — five quotes, all you have to do is identify who said them. It is harder than you think! http://www.bush-mccainchallenge.com/index.html
You would think they would have people checking for things like this. McCain’s newest political ad shows him with some “supporters” but if you look closely, you can see that at least one of them is wearing an Obama shirt. You can see the original ad here.
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According to a new study, McCain voted 100% of the time in line with President Bush’s wishes in 2008, and 95% of the time in 2007. In the last 8 years, McCain only fell below 90% twice. Unfortunately, one of the caveats of this study is that McCain misses so many votes in the senate […]
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Remember the group that swiftboated John Kerry in the last election? Now there is the “Vets for Freedom” that is trying to do the same thing to Obama. And some of the main people behind “Vets for Freedom” are also on McCain’s campaign. UPDATE: Daily Kos points out that coordination between a 527 group and […]
In an ironic role reversal this weekend, Obama spoke of his support for restoring veteran’s benefits, while McCain (the “war hero”) spent Memorial Day defending his vote against veterans and even tried the old “smear the messenger” trick of attacking Obama because he never served in the military. But apparently McCain’s record on veterans’ issues […]
From an interview in 2000 with Jim Leher: Lehrer: Finally for the record, you have not lost your desire to be President of the United States have you? McCain: Certainly it’s been put in deep cold storage. haha.. Lehrer: You haven’t lost it? McCain: Well, in 2004, I expect to be campaigning for the reelection […]
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Obama, Clinton, McCain Join Forces to Form Nightmare Ticket from The Onion, of course http://www.theonion.com/content/news/obama_clinton_mccain_join_forces
Foreign policy “expert” McCain put his foot in it again, claiming that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the leader of Iran, and that Obama would negotiate with him. Wrong on both counts. First, Obama has never said he wants to have talks with Ahmadinejad, and second, Ahmadinejad is not the primary leader of Iran. When confronted with this information […]
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The Real McCain Why bother comparing McCain to Bush, when McCain’s own words are even crazier? Some people call him McSame, but they may have to change that to McWorse.
The next time the Republican party accuses someone of not supporting the troops, remember this: http://www.theseminal.com/2008/05/15/morning-topic-why-dont-republicans-support-our-troops/ John McCain (and most other republicans) are refusing to support a bill to restore veteran’s benefits to the levels they were at after WWII. Their reason? They claim that it will hurt “troop retention” and encourage soldiers to leave the […]
A post here earlier today pointed out the hypocrisy of Bush comparing Obama to Nazi appeasers because Obama is in favor of negotiating with (some of) our enemies. But it just keeps getting more bizarre. Today McCain (who is largely running on his foreign policy experience) defended Bush’s remarks and further claimed that the reason […]
In a speech last week at Wake Forest University, McCain said the following: There is hardly a clearer principle in all the Constitution than the right of private property. There is a very clear standard in the Constitution requiring not only just compensation in the use of eminent domain, but also that private property may NOT […]