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Tag Archives: McCain


© Ted Rall



© Ben Sargent


Up in the air… it’s a bird, it’s a plane!

© Lisa Benson


McCain is now running for Karl Rove’s third term

Yesterday, McCain did a major reorganization of his campaign staff, the second such shake-up in a year. But what should be setting off warning bells is the people who are now in charge of his campaign. McCain elevated Steve Schmidt to full operational control. Schmidt is considered a pupil of Rove, and he is a […]


How far can McCain distance himself from Cheney?

There are reports that McCain has been trying to distance himself from president Bush, because of Bush’s record-breaking unpopularity. But the only person less popular than Bush is his vice president, Dick Cheney. McCain hasn’t said much about Cheney recently, but if you go back to 2004, when McCain was campaigning for Bush, he called […]


Olbermann on McCain’s Double-Talk Express

In watching this extensive list of McCain’s flip-flops, I noticed that there are a few major ones that didn’t get mentioned. Should we watch for “McCain’s flip-flops, the mini-series” coming soon?


McCain – what is he hiding about his military record?

On Sunday, Gen. Wesley Clark said that McCain’s military service, while honorable, did not necessarily prepare McCain to be a good president. What is interesting to me is that the McCain himself went on the offensive immediately, trotting out a number of retired military men — including Bud Day, one of the original Swift Boat veterans […]


Stone Age Alternative Fuel

© Jerry Holbert


Verbal Suicide Bomber

© Jeff Koterba


Taxes are for the little people — McCain condo in default for 4 years

According to Newsweek magazine, the McCains failed to pay property taxes on a condo they own in La Jolla, California for four years. Notified of this by Newsweek, the McCains paid (yesterday) for the last four years, but are still late in their payments for this year. UPDATE: The location of the condo in question […]


McCain – Two-faced Maverick of Convenience

The McCain campaign (and much of the mainstream media) keeps trying to keep alive the myth of McCain the Maverick, but it is clearly on life support, and getting a bit crazy. In a conference call today, a McCain spokeswoman tried to compare McCain’s bipartisan cred with Obama’s, using the example of immigration reform: It’s […]


McCain’s ex post facto flip-flop deluxe

Consider the newly passed GI benefits bill. When it was introduced, McCain tried to kill it. When the NY Times questioned McCain’s opposition to the bill, he “got a little touchy“. When the bill came up for a vote Thursday night, McCain didn’t even show up to vote. So, is anyone surprised when McCain tries […]


Sen. Brownback receives the Obama treatment

On a McCain campaign conference call Thursday morning, Republican Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas accused Obama of being all talk and no action when it comes to working across the aisle: John McCain’s a maverick. He’s fought for a bipartisan fashion. I think that the biggest thing I’ve seen from Barack Obama is a willingness, […]


McCain tries to be “hip” with Pork Invaders

McCain’s website now features a “cool” “new” video game called Pork Invaders (you can play it, below). Unfortunately, as Wonkette says, the game looks older than John himself. And the game was clearly “borrowed” from somewhere else, and somewhat sloppily — all the aliens use the same pig image, even though they have different point […]


McCain lies, media repeats lies as truth

McCain gave a speech last week in Houston to an audience of oil executives, announcing he now supports offshore oil drilling. To justify his flip-flop, he claimed that drilling is now so safe that “not even Hurricane Katrina and Rita could cause significant spillage from battered rigs off the coast of New Orleans and Houston.” […]
