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Tag Archives: McCain

Should the president be computer literate?

And if that weren’t enough, how about this spoof — it is 3AM and McCain can’t read his email:


Nancy Reagan makes her displeasure with McCain clear

Nancy Reagan always had something of an undeserved reputation as a dutiful but meek wife, probably because of the way she looked adoringly at Ronnie whenever they appeared in public together. But on Friday, Reagan showed that she can still be dutiful while also making it clear how she really feels. She appeared with McCain […]


Even his supporters can’t tell the difference between McCain and Bush

Wolf Blitzer asks South Carolina’s Republican Governor Mark Sanford if there are any “significant economic differences” between McCain and Bush. His response: For instance, take, you know, take, for instance, the issue of — I’m drawing a blank, and I hate it when I do that, particularly on television. Take, for instance the contrast on NAFTA. […]


The McCain interview that should happen, but never will

From Brave New Films See also DemConWatch


Phil Gramm sucks – everything he touches costs you money

Who is Phil Gramm?  You might have heard his recent statement that America is a “nation of whiners” about the economy. He is a co-chair of McCain’s presidential campaign and arguably his main economic advisor — McCain once called Gramm his “financial guru”. So let’s look at Gramm’s economics: Gramm was responsible for the “Commodity […]


Gramps McCain can’t remember his own votes

On McCain’s website, they feature this quote from him about the Iranian missile tests: It’s my understanding that this missile test was conducted by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. This is the same organization that I voted to condemn as a terrorist organization when an amendment was on the floor of the United States Senate. Senator […]


Ted Kennedy, sick with a brain tumor, has voted more often than McCain

On Thursday, Ted Kennedy, who is suffering from a brain tumor that needs daily treatment, flew from Boston to DC in order to cast a vote on a Medicare bill. With this one vote — the only vote he has cast since he was diagnosed on May 20 — he now has voted more often […]


We have met the enemy and he is us

Two interesting columns that point out that the problem isn’t our politicians, the problem is us: Robert Samuelson writes in Real Clear Politics about how politicians are instantly punished if they dare to mention any real issues. For example, he discusses our aging population and increasing immigration, and the resulting ballooning demands on social services. […]


McCain’s spin control on birth control

First, Carly Fiorina, a top advisor to the McCain campaign, told reporters this week that it was unfair that insurance companies cover Viagra but not birth control, suggesting that a McCain presidency would offer these women “a choice”. Second, reporters and women’s organizations point out that Fiorina is misrepresenting McCain’s positions, since he voted against […]


Police State We Can Believe In

After Obama’s capitulation on FISA and retroactive immunity for phone companies that illegally tapped your phone, we have a new campaign poster for his presidential campaign: Of course, McCain didn’t even bother to vote, as usual. And then he had the nerve to trash Obama for his vote, even though McCain supported the FISA bill. […]


McCain lies about support for his economic plan

On Monday, John McCain presented his new economic plan, a plan he says is enthusiastically supported by over 300 professional economists. This seems a bit suspect, since McCain’s gas tax holiday was quickly dismissed by economists a few months ago as pandering that would put money into the pockets of oil companies instead of consumers, […]


McCain’s “straight talk” is BS

McCain likes to boast about his “straight talk” brand, claiming that he will answer difficult questions with straight answers, but it looks like this claim is just PR. Candidates all hold conference calls with reporters, sometimes on a daily basis. Conference calls are like press conferences, but held on the phone. But it appears that […]


The Summer Political Olympics

From Walt Handelsman


McCain rewards lap dog reporters

McCain has refurnished his campaign airplane with a special section that is reserved for the “good reporters”. How does a reporter get into the VIP section? “You’ll have to earn it” says campaign aide Mark Salter. It looks like McCain’s strategy is working, with a number of sycophant reporters falling all over themselves to praise […]


McCain lies – claims he never said he wasn’t an expert on the economy

I am repeatedly amazed that politicians (especially older ones, like McCain) don’t seem to get the fact that everything they say is now available on the Internet for instant review. That must be why they keep denying things they said against solid evidence to the contrary. For example, McCain’s repeated statements that he doesn’t know […]
