Republican strategist John Feehery is shown on Hardball, making fun of Obama’s call for a UN Security Council resolution on the conflict between Russia and Georgia, saying that Obama looks weak for calling for a resolution rather than acting tough. Ironically, he doesn’t realize McCain is calling for the same Security Council resolution. Watch the […]
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Saturday, August 16, 2008
McCain’s first marriage is in the news now, partly because John Edward’s infidelities (and how conservatives have condemned him) have brought up the fact that McCain cheated on his first wife and then lied about it repeatedly. But now there is a more interesting twist. Even though McCain claims that his divorce was amicable, it […]
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Last week I had a post about how McCain was trying to make it look like Obama was the antichrist. Coincidentally, respected biblical scholars have uncovered dramatic evidence that it is McCain who is more likely to be the antichrist! How? We believe that the End Times is near, based on the pattern of wars, […]
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Thursday, August 14, 2008
Jed Lewison has been tracking how many times the mainstream media mentioned John Edwards’ affair, and yesterday the number dropped by a factor of four. Why? On Sean Hannity’s show, Alan Colmes finally got tired of a bunch of conservatives yammering on about how you can’t trust someone who cheats on his wife, and asked the […]
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
McCain gave a speech about the war between Russia and Georgia (the country) a few days ago, and someone on Wikipedia noticed something strange — a few parts of his speech were taken almost directly from the Wikipedia article about the country of Georgia. Two things about that: Material on Wikipedia can be used freely, […]
McCain has run an ad mocking Obama as “the One” and using “every single symbol of the antichrist in this ad”. However, Rev. Tim LaHaye, co-author of the series of books that detailed the New Testament idea of The Apocalypse says that comparisons between Obama and the antichrist are incorrect: The antichrist isn’t going to […]
John McCain and Barack Obama once opposed offshore drilling, but that was a simpler time when gas was only $3.69 a gallon.
Just as McCain is learning how to manipulate the Internet by rewarding followers for carpet bombing political blogs, Obama seems to be getting the hang of using innuendo in press releases. Kinda like those negative ads that fuel racial fears by juxtaposing a black political candidate with a sexy young white woman. Hot on the heels of […]
Former presidential candidate John Edwards today admitted to having an affair in 2006. From the Chicago Tribune: John Edwards’ revelations today – that he had an affair while his wife battled cancer – break sharply from the family-man image the former senator has cultivated his entire political career. They also crystallize many detractors’ long-held worries […]
It must be pretty frustrating when all your attacks start to backfire. How would you like to be one-upped by Paris Hilton? Or forced to admit that maybe keeping your tires properly inflated isn’t such a bad idea after all. So you’d think the McCain campaign would have thought twice before releasing a campaign ad […]
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