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Tag Archives: McCain
Anna Nicole Palin
Abuse of Power?
A few weeks ago, I quoted Alaska Governor Sarah Palin praising Obama’s energy plan. Today, she was named as McCain’s (presumptive) VP choice, and (big surprise) those quotes mysteriously vanished as if she had never uttered them. I could understand if Palin took them off of her own website, but they were removed from the […]
Overplaying Cards
© Mike Luckovich How long has McCain been playing the POW card? In his first run for Congress (almost 30 years ago) McCain was attacked by his opponent as being a “Johnny-come-lately” because McCain had recently moved to Arizona. McCain’s response: I wish I could have had the luxury, like you, of growing up and […]
Damn Kid reporters, get off my lawn!
It looks like grumpy old man McCain is finally turning his anger at one of his last best friends — the media. It has been widely reported that his campaign clamped down — hard — on McCain’s famous marathon media sessions in July, virtually eliminating his open-ended question time with reporters. And when he did […]
McCain – Republican Gigolo
Swift Boathouse
The Whizzdom of Crowds
A few weeks ago I did a post about McCain’s “frequent liar program” that gives out prizes to people who spam political blogs. When his program started, I suffered a dramatic (15x) drop in new readers coming to my blog from news aggregators like Digg and Reddit, but yesterday I noticed an ironic twist to […]
McCain pokes conservatives in the eyes, then expects them to blindly follow him
Over at conservative Michelle Malkin’s blog people are upset at McCain. Why? Because the Republican National Committee (RNC) is running a radio ad that, in Malkin’s words, is pure “hispandering”. The ad, in Spanish, tries to paint McCain as a friend to Hispanics because of his support for amnesty for illegal aliens (or as Malkin […]