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Tag Archives: McCain

Supreme Obstruction

On a radio interview on Monday, John McCain said the following: I promise you that we will be united against any Supreme Court nominee that Hillary Clinton, if she were president, would put up. I promise you. This is where we need the majority. That’s right, it doesn’t even matter who the nominee is, McCain […]


McCain: it’s all about hate

Is anyone else really really happy that John McCain is not our president? In a few years’ time, McCain has gone from maverick, to loose cannon, to a temper-tantrum throwing brat. The latest example is the recent vote to end “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”. Once again, McCain has completely reversed his position. Once in favor […]


Bush told Brits he would have endorsed Obama

According to the Financial Times, in 2008, during the height of the presidential campaign and after Bush had publicly endorsed John McCain, George W Bush told a group of British dignitaries including the British Prime Minister that he didn’t like McCain. I probably won’t even vote for the guy. I had to endorse him. But […]


Does McCain flip-flop, or can he just not remember his positions?

John McCain is running a campaign ad in Arizona, saying that Arizona should “Complete the Danged Fence” and increase border security: But McCain himself voted against the fence, and voted against increasing funding for border security several times. Did he just forget?


Don’t Laugh, Don’t Tell

Jon Stewart and John Oliver have a brilliant take on the military “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, including John McCain’s complete flip-flop on the issue: And Stephen Colbert also weighs in hilariously:


Joe the plumber is a tool

In an interview with conservative talk-radio host Glenn Beck, Joe “the plumber” Wurzelbacher admits that he was used by the McCain campaign: When I was on the bus with him, I asked him a lot of questions about the bailout because most Americans did not want that to happen. I asked him some pretty direct […]


Given the way the campaign was run, this is not a surprise

A Fox News reporter goes to the McCain-Palin headquarters in Arlington VA where they are selling off the old office equipment, and buys a used Blackberry phone that has a dead battery. When she charges the phone, she discovers that it has over 50 private phone numbers and two months of internal campaign emails. Curious, […]


Another use for WD-40 – taking off McCain stickers

Actually, most modern bumper stickers will come off pretty easily if you just pull them from a corner, but I couldn’t help but laugh at this video from the WD-40 people:


Hackers and Spending Sprees

Newsweek has a fascinating article with inside information on the political campaigns of both Obama and McCain. Both campaigns allowed special reporters inside their campaigns in exchange for a promise that they would not report anything until after the election was over. Some interesting highlights: Palin’s shopping spree was worse than reported. One angry McCain […]


If this election had been held two years ago

Exactly two years ago, the polling firm SurveyUSA interviewed 30,000 voters spread evenly by state, asking them how they would vote in a 2008 Presidential Election between John McCain and Barack Obama. Here are the results: In this poll, Obama took his home state of Illinois, his birth state of Hawaii, and DC, for a […]


The Bradley Effect


Plan B

© David Horsey


Dancing with the Political Stars

© Cam Cardow


The McCain-Palin debate!

From University of Tube.


John Cleese talks about McCain on Countdown

Cleese talks about Joe the Plumber, “my fellow prisoners”, McCain “palling around with Communists”, and recites a poem for Bill O’Reilly, with Keith Olbermann on Countdown.
