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Tag Archives: Liberals

Hillary Clinton is a Progressive

Some people have called Hillary Clinton a Republican in Democrat’s clothing, but does that claim pass scrutiny? One of the arguments for this was that she was actually a Republican for part of the 60’s, but that was mostly before she was even old enough to vote. If there is some rule that once a […]



© Jim Morin We’ve already discussed the idea of Hillary Clinton nominating Barack Obama to the Supreme Court. I love it. Speaking of revenge, Politico makes the case that Hillary Clinton should pick Al Franken as her Vice President. They have lots of good reasons, but the best one to me is that it would […]


Liberal or Conservative?

Here’s an interesting website. You type in the name of a town (any town in the US, like your hometown) and they will tell you (based on political donations made by people who live there), how liberal or conservative it is. The scale goes from +10L for liberal, to zero, to +10C for conservative. Can […]


City Politic

Here is a list of the 10 most conservative and most liberal cities (population over 250,000) in the US: Conservative Cities: 1. Mesa AZ 2. Oklahoma City OK 3. Virginia Beach VA 4. Colorado Springs CO 5. Jacksonville FL 6. Arlington TX 7. Anaheim CA 8. Omaha NE 9. Tulsa OK 10. Aurora CO Liberal […]


Bernie Sanders at Liberty University

Bernie Sanders appeared at the ultra-conservative Liberty University to give a speech and answer questions. Here, Sanders answers a question about abortion: I love the fact that Sanders is not afraid to stand up for his convictions, nor does he mince words or play the politician and say what his audience wants to hear. You […]


Conservative Estimates are Down

Do Republicans not believe in evolution because they don’t know how to evolve along with American attitudes? Since 1999, Gallup has been tracking the ideology of Americans, asking them whether they consider themselves socially conservative or socially liberal. This year, for the very first time, the same number of people identified as socially liberal as […]



© Keith Knight If there is one thing I believe, it is that we need to have balance. We need to listen to people willing to have serious conversations, no matter their political leanings. If we learned one thing from the midterm elections this year, it is that even though people voted for conservative candidates, […]


Conservative or Liberal?

© Louis CK Here’s the longer quote from Louis CK: I don’t have any political opinions, I just am very curious. And it’s very interesting to listen to what people say. What’s the best way to run a country and the world? Those are really profound questions. I don’t have the confidence to say that […]



© John Jonik I don’t know what conservative and liberal mean any more. Once upon a time, the party of Lincoln was the party of civil rights. Later, the party of Teddy Roosevelt was the party of conserving the environment. The party of Eisenhower built the national highway system and warned us about the dangers […]


The Mystery of Liberal Behavior

© Tom Tomorrow This explains everything!


Conservatives have nothing to fear but fear itself

Scientists have been trying to figure out the psychological differences between liberals and conservatives, and a new study adds an interesting theory. Earlier work by Jonathan Haidt showed that almost everyone in the world, regardless of culture, has five moral instincts: fairness, not harming others, group loyalty, respect for authority, and purity. But liberals emphasize […]



© Nick Boyer [from B as in Booya]
