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Tag Archives: Immigration

Don’t Take Our Jobs!

Even though I think the Arizona immigration law is stupid and racist, I can’t help but enjoy this comic, which makes fun of people (like me) who point out that illegal immigrants are only taking jobs that we don’t want anyway. © John Trever


Take Our Jobs, Please!

Here at Political Irony, we firmly believe that comedy is the best cure for political problems (well, at the very least it helps you laugh at them). So we were very happy to see Stephen Colbert join with the United Farm Workers of America in a new website: The website invites anyone who is […]


Arizona Governor Continues to Lie about Immigration

I’ve already done two posts about repeated, baldfaced lies told by Arizona governor Jan Brewer. First, non-partisan PolitiFact revealed that she lied repeatedly about Arizona’s new immigration law. Next, she repeatedly claimed that the majority of illegal immigrants coming over the border are smuggling drugs, despite absolutely no evidence to back up her claim (and […]


Arizona Governor Doubles Down on Racist Lies

In a previous post, we caught Arizona governor Jan Brewer lying repeatedly about the anti-immigrant law she had just signed. She kept saying that “under SB 1070 there must first be reasonable suspicion that you are breaking some OTHER non-immigration law before an officer can ask a person about their legal status.” But if you […]


Hey buddy, can you spare a job?

© Tony Piro So, which one would you hire?


Crayons in Arizona

I don’t know who originally did this, so if someone does know please let me know so I can give proper credit and a link.


“I am not a racist, but …”

Why is it that racists always start sentences with “I am not a racist, but …”? Are they really in denial or are they just lying? And they almost always follow up with some comment about being “very good friends” with some member of the minority in question. Arizona is making racist news again. This […]


When Even “Let me see your papers” Isn’t Enough

So, curious what could possibly go wrong with Arizona’s new anti-illegal immigrant law? Don’t think it will be used to discriminate against Mexicans (or people who look like Mexicans)? Consider the recent case of Eduardo Caraballo. Caraballo was held for three days by federal immigration authorities in Chicago, was told that he was an illegal […]


How many of you guessed that this would happen?

Just two years ago, Arizona needed workers. How long before they decide they need to go easier on illegals again?


This time we’re serious!

via Friends of Irony So when are they going to make it illegal for politicians to take bribes? Oh, that’s right, they just made it legal for corporations to throw as much money as they want at politicians.


Does McCain flip-flop, or can he just not remember his positions?

John McCain is running a campaign ad in Arizona, saying that Arizona should “Complete the Danged Fence” and increase border security: But McCain himself voted against the fence, and voted against increasing funding for border security several times. Did he just forget?


Glenn Beck has Nazi Tourettes

Lewis Black is brilliant: UPDATE: I can’t stop laughing every time I watch this.


Governator Humor

Whatever you think of governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, you have to admit that he has a good sense of humor. On Monday, he gave the commencement address at Emory University in Atlanta (and received an honorary degree in return): This is my first law degree. … Finally, the Kennedys will think I’m a success. And Maria […]


Missed Immigration Information

I’m visiting Arizona for a week, and I’m taking this opportunity to talk to some of the locals about the new immigration law. I’ve just begun, but I’ve already noticed a few interesting things. First of all, everyone I’ve talked to has repeated the claim that police will only be able to check someone’s immigration […]


Arizona Immigration Law Loophole

© Dana Summers Why, they don’t look reasonably suspicious at all!
