Thursday, November 20, 2014
The GOP is promising to “swiftly counter Obama’s immigration moves“. Senator Mitch McConnell even gave a speech today and declared that Obama would regret ignoring the wishes of the American people. McConnell said “We’re considering a variety of options”, which is a reference to shutting down the government or impeaching Obama. According to the NY […]
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
So in the aftermath of the midterm election, some emboldened Republicans are making plans. For example, Congressman Joe Barton (R-TX) has said that impeachment “would be a consideration” if Obama moves forward with executive action to solve our immigration problems. In addition, Republicans have said that they will force the approval of the Keystone XL […]
How does war mongering work? Well, first you plant the seeds of fear. So it is hardly any surprise that presidential candidate and governor of Texas Rick Perry told an audience at the conservative Heritage Foundation in DC that it is a “very real possibility” that terrorists from the extremest group ISIS may have crossed […]
An amazing story is unfolding in Washington. Just before the start of the August recess, the GOP wasn’t able to come up with the votes to pass even their tremendously watered down immigration bill to clean up the humanitarian crisis at the border caused by the influx of children from Central America. So the Republican […]
An amazing hypocritical display of stupid, from our (dare I say “racist”?) politicians. And Jon Stewart doesn’t even go after the easy targets, like Michele Bachmann (who compared immigrant children to rapists), or these protestors who want land mine fields at the borders. I love it when they try to blame it on Obama, when […]
“BioShock Infinite” is a computer game set in the floating city of Columbia, which is run by a religious zealot and largely populated by xenophobic racists who wage war against the heathens of the world (i.e., those people who don’t live in Columbia). In this city the idea of “America” has become a kind of […]
The Texas Republican Party gave a rare victory to gay rights advocates this week by removing language that stated that “homosexuality tears at the fabric of society” that has been in the party platform for decades. But instead, they inserted a new plank that recognizes “the legitimacy and efficacy of counseling, which offers reparative therapy […]
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Just a week after raising hopes that the GOP would finally do something about immigration reform, House Speaker John Boehner did a complete flip flop and said that Republicans will again refuse to do anything about it. And then he blamed Obama, saying “There’s widespread doubt about whether this administration can be trusted to enforce […]
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
For years, Republicans have energized their base by backing hot-button social and class issues like gay marriage, immigration, gun control, and abortion. So it is interesting to realize how much public opinion has changed on these issues. Is it in spite of Republican opposition and pandering, or perhaps because of it? Welcome to the new […]
Thursday, February 7, 2013
© Brian McFadden The part of this comic that hit me the most was the very first panel. How did we somehow change from a country largely made up of immigrants, that used to be so welcoming to immigrants that we have a huge statue to welcome them, to a country that treats immigrants like […]
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© David Horsey I love it when cartoonists include commentary with their comics. I was sad when Ed Stein stopped drawing editorial cartoons with commentary, but now it looks like David Horsey is taking up the slack. Horsey has an interesting take on Obama’s thrust on immigration, and how the Republicans are being a bit […]
The GOP strategy against the president seems to be to throw everything at Obama to see if anything sticks. Even if the things you throw at him are contradictory. Obama is a socialist, but he is simultaneously a fascist. Obama is an ineffective president who has not delivered on his promised “hope and change”, but […]
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Sunday, November 13, 2011
“The Republican presidential candidates held a debate in Michigan. Just what Michigan needs: 12 more people looking for a job.” – Conan O’Brien “There’s another Republican presidential debate tonight. This one is focused on why there were so many Republican debates.” – Jimmy Kimmel “If I were Mitt Romney, I wouldn’t show up anymore. I would […]
In light of how we have become a country that demonizes immigrants (mostly illegal ones but sometimes even legal), a regular reader sent me the following comment: Today is the day we celebrate the arrival of the first illegal immigrants. Spanish speaking ones at that. Who came to mine the riches of this land and […]
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© Matt Bors Alabama governor Robert Bentley signed into law the nation’s nastiest immigration law, which requires local police to detain anyone suspected of being an undocumented immigrant. You can easily guess how that will end up — anyone who looks the slightest bit Mexican will get hassled and will have to carry citizenship papers […]