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Tag Archives: Immigration

Trump and the Truth

The New Yorker is starting a new series of articles all about “Trump and the Truth“: Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for President, does not so much struggle with the truth as strangle it altogether. He lies to avoid. He lies to inflame. He lies to promote and to preen. Sometimes he seems to lie […]


Trump and Mexico

But just wait a minute and I’ll have a different opinion. © Jeff Stahler Just wait until I’m elected. © Tom Toles Believe me! © Drew Sheneman You know, Trump keeps talking about building a wall, but that wouldn’t actually keep anyone out. Since 1990, the Border Patrol has discovered around 200 tunnels that simply […]


Illegal Immigrant Trump

Donald Trump has now given his fire-and-brimstone speech about illegal immigrants, including that there would be no amnesty and no path to citizenship for people who entered the country illegally. According to him even people who had not entered the US illegally, but who had come in on a visa but then didn’t leave, are […]


Extreme Vetting?

On Monday, Trump again fell back on his old standby of spewing hatred at immigrants, and called for “extreme vetting” of foreigners before they are admitted to the US. “Those who do not believe in our Constitution, or support bigotry and hatred, will not be admitted for immigration into our country. Only those who expect […]


Stalling Tactics

Last night, Donald Trump announced that his wife Melania will hold a press conference sometime “over the next couple of weeks” to address allegations that she violated US immigration laws by working illegally in the US. Who is willing to bet that no such news conference will actually happen, and that Trump is just trying […]


Trumps Violated Immigration Laws

There is strong evidence that both Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump violated immigration laws. Let’s start with Melania. There are lots of holes in her story of how she came to the US. She says she arrived in 1996 on a short-term visa, which would have made it illegal for her to work […]


Britain is Screwed

The British pound has already lost more than 25 cents against the dollar, the worst drop in the history of the UK. Similar drops in various stock markets are expected. It is estimated that the British economy will shrink by 3.8 to 7.5 percent. This is what happens when xenophobia and rampant nationalism win. Brexit […]



German Chancellor Angela Merkel was just named Person of the Year by both Time magazine and the Financial Times newspaper. The refugee policy she put in place has received praise from all over the world. So it surprised me when Merkel gave a speech on Monday calling multiculturalism a sham and a failure. I live […]


Building a Wall

Republicans, especially their presidential candidates, seem unified in their desire to rid the country of illegal immigrants. Yes, I know, they are only in favor of this in order to get votes from their troglodyte base, but it still would be helpful for someone to look into what it would take in order to actually […]


Criminals from the South

Donald Trump called undocumented immigrants from Mexico to the USA “criminals” and “rapists”. Well, it looks like Canada feels the same way about undocumented immigrants from the USA. This includes US war deserters from the Iraq war, who left because of what they witnessed in Iraq, including unprovoked acts of violence against civilians.


Taking us Back to our Fore-Fore Fathers

© Matt Bors How did we change from a country of immigrants, to a country that calls immigrants “criminals” and “rapists”? Aren’t immigrants (most of) us? Heck, if you go back far enough, even “native” Americans came from somewhere.


If a Trump Falls in the Forest, Does it Make a Sound?

Jon Stewart has a good point. Donald Trump is not the problem. The problem is us. Why do we pay attention to anything Trump says? Trump is following the traditional right-wing script. Now he’s whining about being America’s whipping post because he’s willing to bring up things like immigration that nobody else wants to talk […]


Executive Disorder

Last month, Indiana passed a strong anti-gay-rights law and it caused a national backlash against the state. So you might think that other states would think twice before doing something similar. But that logic doesn’t apply to Bobby Jindal, the governor of Louisiana and likely presidential candidate. Instead of thinking twice, he is doubling down. […]


Kicking the Can

For people who thought that Congress couldn’t get any more disfunctional — you were wrong. As the Daily Beast put it: It used to be that Congress was broken, and was forced to repeatedly kick the can down the road. Now it seems that Congress can’t even properly kick the can down the road. The […]


Immigration. Blah blah blah

After Obama announced his executive action to clean up some of our immigration mess, Republicans screamed bloody murder. As reported here over a week ago: Rep Steve King said that Obama was “throwing this nation into a crisis”. And Senator Tom Coburn warned of “violent reactions” from people who disagree with Obama, saying “the country’s […]
