Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Yesterday, Donald Trump said he was going to end birthright citizenship, which is the right of people born on US soil to become US citizens. Trump claims he can do this with an executive order. Most of the response to this concentrated on pointing out that you can’t just overrule the 14th amendment to the […]
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Everyone has been focused on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, so of course the Republicans have taken this distraction as an opportunity to sneak in some things they wanted. Probably the most hypocritical example is a proposed new regulation that affects legal immigrants. The new regulation will deny “green cards” (residency) to legal immigrants if […]
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Hurricane Florence is bearing down on the eastern coast of the US. According to the National Weather Service, “This will likely be the storm of a lifetime for portions of the Carolina coast, and that’s saying a lot given the impacts we’ve seen from Hurricanes Diana, Hugo, Fran, Bonnie, Floyd, and Matthew. I can’t emphasize […]
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
© Jen Sorensen Trump supporters say they hate immigrants, but they only hate immigrant workers. They seem to be blind to immigrant companies, such as multinational corporations. Even US companies (including those owned by our president) are outsourcing jobs by the truckload, not to mention entire industries. But while the right wants to deport immigrant […]
Monday, September 11, 2017
Republicans claim to be the party of self reliance and personal responsibility. But they don’t hesitate to blame any problems on someone else. They even blame their problems on children.
This has to be the flip-flop of the year. Is Donald Trump really going to hold the federal budget hostage just because he is a terrible negotiator?
Donald Trump is getting easier to predict. When everyone pointed out the hypocrisy of Trump calling his executive order against Muslims entering the US a “Travel Ban” even as his administration was claiming that it wasn’t a travel ban at all, Trump doubled down. And you know he is serious, because he used ALL CAPS, […]
The White House announced a new hotline to help victims or witnesses report crimes committed by undocumented immigrants. You know, because 911 wasn’t enough. Well, unless if your goal was to foster racism and xenophobia. After all, studies have shown that illegal immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes than native-born Americans (other than […]
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© David Horsey Hey, why not just claim victory and move on? After all, most people didn’t believe Donald Trump when he (over and over and over again) claimed that he would build a wall and Mexico would pay for it. And if someone was stupid enough to believe that, then they would probably believe […]
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
First Trump can’t make a deal with even Republican congressmen over repealing Obamacare. Now, Trump has now asked Congress for a billion dollars to build his wall. I guess he couldn’t get Mexico to pay for it. So much for his claimed deal-making abilities. But wait, it is worse than that. A billion dollars will […]
I’m not a huge fan of Bill Maher, but this one is actually pretty funny. Will Trump voters realize that they have been conned? And speaking of being conned, consider the case of the Beristains. Roberto Beristain is a respected businessman who owns a popular restaurant, creates jobs, is a well-loved citizen of his town […]
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Build a wall to keep out illegal immigrants from Mexico? Block refugees from entering the US? Ban even visitors from Muslim countries? And that’s just what the Trump administration says they want to do. It doesn’t include recent incidents like the son of legendary boxing champion Muhammad Ali being detained for hours when entering the […]
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
On Saturday, Donald Trump angrily tweeted his displeasure at federal judge James Robart, who had just temporarily blocked Trump’s travel ban: The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned! Calling Robart a “so-called judge” is clearly an attempt to delegitimize the US judiciary. […]
Saturday, February 4, 2017
From Heather Richardson, professor of History at Boston College (as posted to Facebook, and verified by Snopes): I don’t like to talk about politics on Facebook — political history is my job, after all, and you are my friends — but there is an important non-partisan point to make today. What Bannon is doing, most […]
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Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Monday night, Donald Trump fired the interim attorney general, Sally Yates, because she expressed her (legal) opinion that Trump’s Muslim ban should not be enforced because it was not legal. And she had some pretty good reasons to believe Trump’s executive order was not legal, as since the order was signed on Friday, five federal […]