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Tag Archives: Health

Hollow Threats

© Joel Pett I’ve been wondering when someone would point out the utter ludicrousness of right wingers claiming that Obamacare was going to force businesses to lay off employees and cut benefits. Like, did they think we wouldn’t notice that they’ve been doing that for years without Obamacare? Not to mention that just threatening to […]


Why Republicans Will Not Repeal Obamacare

Meet Clint Murphy. Last week, while Newt Gingrich was explaining why Republicans couldn’t repeal Obamacare unless they came up with a better replacement, Murphy showed a more direct example of why they can’t repeal Obamacare. Murphy is a Republican foot soldier. The kind of party activist who has worked on Republican campaigns including Casey Cagle, […]


Gag Me With A Rule!

© Jen Sorensen The real situation is even more bizarre than the comic suggests. The state’s top insurance regulator isn’t even allowed to be interviewed by the media about this. Also, the person responsible for implementing the Affordable Care Act in Missouri is not allowed to be paid by the state, so he is being […]


Keep Digging

© Rob Rogers The funny thing about Obamacare is that even though quite a few people will say they are opposed to it, if you ask them about all the individual elements that together make up Obamacare, they are almost unanimously in favor of them. The GOP has done an amazing job of getting people […]


Preemptive Financial Emergency

© Tom Tomorrow Somehow, conservatives have hoodwinked us into believing that there is some sort of financial emergency, and that in order to avoid cutting entitlements in the future, we have to… cut them now! This is nonsense. An excellent article in The New Yorker that explains the real situation, and gives a strong hint […]


Obamacare Saves Money

The Republican governor of Florida has claimed that implementing Obamacare in Florida will cost the state billions of dollars. But now, the first detailed study of the costs shows that rather than costing the state money, it will actually save money. $300 million in the first year alone. Obamacare will be especially important in Florida, […]


Get the Lead Out!

Wouldn’t it be ironic if, after spending billions of dollars on prisons, police, and the war on drugs, the real answer to reducing crime was as simple as getting rid of lead in our environment? That’s the conclusion of new research that strongly indicates that the hidden villain behind violent crime, lowered intelligence, and even […]


Passing Expenses

© Drew Sheneman Some CEOs are complaining that they will have to pass the cost of health insurance for their employees on to customers. One of the biggest complainers was John Schnatter, who claimed he would have to raise the price of each pizza by 11 to 14 cents. First of all, is that all? […]



© Clay Bennett Why would anyone believe that Republicans want to “save” Medicare? © Mike Luckovich I guess this is why. © Mike Thompson


The Massachusetts Miracle?

In the debate tonight, while I was happy to hear Mitt Romney actually own up to Romneycare and how it improved things in Massachusetts, in order to do it he had to lie. Romney claimed that he never proposed Romneycare as a model for national health care reform, but only for states. He’s lying. Secondly, […]


How Not to Argue with Reality

Facts are stubborn things. The GOP game plan with facts seems to be to make some up, then repeat them so many times that people start to believe them. And usually the media lets them get away with it. But CNN’s Soledad O’Brien actually challenges these falsehoods! OMG, a real journalist? But it is interesting […]


Romney Praises a Government Take-over of Health Care

While he was in Israel, Mitt Romney praised their healthcare system for keeping people healthy while keeping costs low. How does Israel do it? Through aggressive regulation of the entire health care system (not just health insurance), requiring all residents to have health insurance (the dreaded individual mandate that Romney says he opposes at the […]


More Party of NO

In the wake of the Supreme Court decision upholding ObamaCare, several Republican governors — including Rick Perry (TX), Rick Scott (FL), Nikki Haley (SC) and Bobby Jindal (LA) — have vowed to resist the law by refusing to set up a health insurance exchange in their state. Ironically, doing this will give the federal government […]


Republicans Lie and People Die

The New York Times has an interesting read – “Five Obamacare Myths“. But they’re being generous, it really should be titled “Five Republican Lies About Obamacare”. For example, when the House Republican majority recently voted (for the 33rd time) to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare, or the ACA), their main […]


Taxes as Penalties

© Jim Morin As I’ve said before, I don’t think it matters whether the consequence of not having health insurance is a tax or a penalty. I’m not sure there is much difference between taxes and penalties. We even have taxes that are specifically designed to be penalties, like taxes on cigarettes and liquor. After […]
