The next time a pundit claims that a public option will put private health insurance companies out of business and lead to socialized health care, I hope someone asks them how UPS, Fedex, and hundreds of other smaller delivery companies are still in business, despite having to compete with the US Post Office. This is […]
Instead of a “healthy” debate, the arguments against health care reform are becoming more and more bizarre. I’ve already talked about the fact that even though most people are in favor of single-payer health insurance, our representatives are so owned by the insurance companies (who are paying off politicians with the money they have been […]
Maybe it is just me, but doesn’t Colbert look more like Obama with his short hair?
NPR photographer Robb Hill wondered who would be interested enough to attend the meeting where 22 senators gathered to start working on overhauling healthcare in the US. So he took four photographs of the audience, and is inviting people to identify the people in the photos. So far, the public has identified eight lobbyists (plus […]
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I’ve become convinced that how our Representatives in Congress vote on the issue of a public option for health insurance is as good a measure of corruption as we are likely to see. In other words, if your congress critter votes against the public option (or attempts to water it down), you can easily figure […]
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© Tom Toles In other news, big Pharma once again promises to lower the price of medicines sold to seniors. Can we be fooled again?
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Imagine that you are diagnosed with lymphoma (a form of cancer) and need expensive treatments. Good thing you have been paying your health insurance premiums for all those years, right? But then, your health insurance company assigns someone to go over your health records in detail, looking for a reason to cancel your coverage. And […]
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Rush Limbaugh talking about Obama’s plan to reform health care in the US: I’ll tell you why Obama wants to hurry. I’ll answer my own question. If he doesn’t get it done now he’s not going to get it done because everything he’s doing is falling apart. Everything he’s doing is crumbling. He’s in a […]
Karl Rove is out with a new column in the Wall Street Journal called (unabashedly) “How to Stop Socialized Health Care“. What’s completely hypocritical of this is that Rove was one of the main promoters of the Medicare prescription drug benefit in 2003, which was the biggest move in 40 years toward what Rove now […]
There are too many “facts” being thrown around in the healthcare debate, and not enough information for me to figure out which ones are true. This is made worse by “facts” that I know are false. For example, I keep hearing opponents of health care reform claim that if health insurance was provided by the […]
Robert Reich reports that the big pharmaceutical and health insurance companies are gaining ground in their effort to kill the public option in the health care reform bill that is being worked on in Washington. In other words, we’re about to get the same health care reform we got during the Carter administration, when pharma […]