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Tag Archives: Health

Do Republicans Really Think our Attention Span is This Short?

Washington Monthly has a scathing article about the hypocrisy of Republican politicians who unanimously oppose Obama’s health care reform bill, when most of them voted for Medicare Part D: Let’s cut the nonsense. Republicans supported Medicare Part D (Karl Rove saw it as a way of creating a “permanent” GOP majority). It was the biggest […]


Compromise Care

Andy Borowitz explains the major features of the Senate’s health care plan, which he calls “CompromiseCare™”. My favorite lines are: Under CompromiseCare™, people with no coverage will be allowed to keep their current plan. Medicare will be extended to 55-year-olds as soon as they turn 65. You will have access to cheap Canadian drugs if […]


Be Careful What You Pray For

Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) said on Sunday: What the American people ought to pray is that somebody can’t make the vote tonight. That’s what they ought to pray. Coburn was hoping that a Democrat would not show up for the vote on health care reform and the vote would fail. But he forgot to specify […]


Kissing the Health Care Frog

© Mike Luckovich If the current health care reform bill is even slightly better than the Medicare Part D disaster that the Republicans forced down the throat of Congress, then I for one will be happy.


The Republican Day of Judgement

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) takes Republicans to task for lying to the American people: When it turns out there are no death panels, when there is no bureaucrat between you and your doctor, when the ways your health care changes seem like a good deal to you, and a pretty smart idea, when the American […]



© Matt Bors It is ironic that if terrorists really wanted to kill Americans and damage our country, they could hardly come up with a better weapon than our current health care system.


Santa Obama’s Helpers?

© Lalo Alcaraz I find it very interesting how the whole health care reform thing has played out in Congress. For a long time there were so many different versions of the bill, and they kept changing, that the media (progressive and conservative) became focused on provisions that had convenient sound bites, like “public option” […]


Joe Lieberman, sock puppet

MoveOn has already raised $1 million using this ad: UPDATE: This may explain why Lieberman has gone to the dark side:


The Mystery of Health Care Reform

© Tom Tomorrow


What Tiger Woods Can Teach Us About Health Reform

From Lee Camp, who says in his Twitter feed: When the whole health care debate is said & done we’ll be lucky if they hand out band-aids. (& then Fox News’ll call em Socialized bandaids)


Joe Lieberman has Joe-mentia

Colbert on health care reform and the Lieberman flip-flop:


Joe Lieberman, Attention Whore

On Sunday, Senator Joe Lieberman infuriated Democrats by announcing that he would vote against the latest compromise health care legislation, despite the fact that during the delicate crafting of the compromise he had told them he would support it. His stated reason? The compromise would allow people starting at age 55 to purchase health insurance […]


This is how Astroturf 2.0 works

Astroturfing is corporations creating fake “grassroots” opinions to affect legislation, and you couldn’t ask for a better example than this: On Facebook, the political action organization “Get Health Reform Right“, which is funded by health insurance trade groups, is paying people to send anti-health care reform emails to their congressmembers. But in this case, they […]


Republicans picking up bad habits from Democrats?

I don’t know. Maybe it is just another case of the Republicans accusing the Democrats of something they themselves are guilty of. FiveThirtyEight has an interesting article about identity politics. For example, The GOP has long accused Democrats of supporting affirmative action mainly to attract minority votes, even if it didn’t actually help that minority. […]


The Party of NO, now with 100% added NO

So this week, the Senate was supposed to start debating health care reform, but arcane Senate rules are allowing Republicans to bring the Senate to a grinding halt. In fact, Senator Judd Gregg just sent out a memo to the Republicans with 15 parliamentary techniques that can be used to shut everything down. The Republicans […]
