The Washington Post published a long op-ed piece by Senator Orrin Hatch, titled “Reconciliation on health care would be an assault to the democratic process”. We know the drill — he calls budget reconciliation an “arcane budget procedure” that Obama wants to use to “ram through” a bill that does those nasty things you’ve heard […]
Sunday, February 28, 2010
© Tom Toles If we change things faster, it might give him a heart attack?
Filed in Humor
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Saturday, February 27, 2010
© Joe Heller Haven’t we been dragging out health care reform for the last 60 years? Isn’t it time to actually do something?
Friday, February 26, 2010
This video embodies why I love Rachel Maddow. As she says, don’t blame health insurance companies for our broken health care system — they are just doing what they are supposed to do:
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Republicans are having a nuclear meltdown about Democrats using the budget reconciliation process to pass health care reform. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) wrote a letter to Obama this week, urging him to rule out the possibility, saying: The use of expedited reconciliation process to push through more dramatic changes to a health care bill of […]
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
While the media is busy with their favored narrative about the teabaggers, covering tea party events with “hundreds” of protestors, they have completely ignored protests in support of health care reform, like this one with thousands of protestors in NYC. Or this eight day march from Philadelphia to DC of Insurance Company Survivors. Is it […]
Filed in Irony
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Friday, February 12, 2010
© Gary Varvel The health insurance industry is blaming rising premiums on the increased cost of health care, but for the majority of large health insurers the percentage actually spent on health care went down, while the percentage spent on administrative expenses and profits went up. The five largest U.S. health insurance companies sailed through […]
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
A few days ago, I reported on a hypocritical Republican policy initiative that would gut Medicare. The Republican “budget roadmap” proposes severe cuts, rationing, and — who knows — maybe even death panels. But to some Republicans, the problem with the new policy initiative to gut Medicare is that it doesn’t go far enough. Republican […]
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Washington DC has had a huge snow storm but for some reason hasn’t gotten around to plowing the streets. That prompted this humorous piece in Facebook: Obama announces that he wants to get the snow plowed, but that he wants bipartisan consensus and compromise instead of unilateral action, and that instead of him pushing a […]
ABC News has a shocking article about how Fire Departments are charging homeowners for the cost of the fire trucks and personnel used to fight their house fires — and how residents are “horrified” when they receive a bill for sometimes tens of thousands of dollars after their home burns down. What does this have […]
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Many of the Republican talking points during the Health care reform debate accused the Democrats of trying to ration health care, cut Medicare, and even institute “death panels” that would decide your granny didn’t deserve to live. Well, the death panels were a complete fabrication, and cutting Medicare turned out to actually be making it […]
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Now that corporate spending to influence lawmakers has been declared to be protected free speech, who is going to end up paying for all those expensive ads and lobbyists, not to mention the cost of buying up the media so we never hear about it? © Paul Fell
Doesn’t it seem a bit ironic that even though a majority of Americans support single-payer health insurance, many of those same people are upset about employer-provided health insurance benefits becoming taxable? After all, in single payer (which I strongly support) health care would be payed for by taxes. Your taxes. It would just be one […]
Probably everyone has heard that Rush Limbaugh was rushed to the hospital in Hawaii complaining of chest pains, and upon his release took that opportunity to slam health care reform, saying: I don’t think there’s one thing wrong with the American health care system. I got no special treatment other than what anybody else that […]