Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Missouri voters passed a proposition rejecting the federal mandate to purchase health insurance by a close-to three-to-one margin: The citizens of the Show-Me State don’t want Washington involved in their health care decisions. Because the corporations are doing such a good job of it. There is little doubt that their proposition will be invalidated by […]
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One of the funniest Jon Stewart bits in a long time, while being simultaneously sad.
This would have been more apropos during the health care debate, but it actually applies to almost every modern issue, including the environment (global warming, pollution, energy), gay rights, and immigration. © Barry Deutsch
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Recently, Nevada Senate candidate Sue Lowden suggested that people without health insurance could barter with their doctors, trading chickens for health care. Naturally, the innertubes loved this and her comments went viral. It is a bit silly actually, and personally I wish our elections would be decided on the issues, not on imprudent comments. But […]
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Congratulations to Mark Fiore for winning the Pulitzer for his editorial cartoons (like this one). Ironically, Apple computer rejected an iPhone/iPad app that plays Fiore’s (Pulitzer winning) cartoons, because “it contains content that ridicules public figures”, and thus is “objectionable” and “defamatory”. Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch has praised the iPad, saying “There’s going to […]
“I want to just take a moment to thank the Teabaggers. Thank you so much for helping us pass health care, for resurrecting the Obama presidency. I know they’re saying, ‘Why are you thanking me? I was so against it, I marched on Washington with tea bags hanging off my Founding Fathers costume, with a […]
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“Well, today, President Obama signed the landmark health care reform bill into law, or as President Obama refers to it, ‘The Rush Limbaugh Deportation Act.’” – Jay Leno “President Obama, boy, he’s feeling like a Toyota driver today. There’s no stopping him.” – Jay Leno “How about basketball? Anybody here suffering from March Madness? Well, […]
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© Mike Luckovich Mitt Romney is now condemning the health care reform bill, even though it is pretty much the same as the system he championed in Massachusetts.
As you have probably heard, 14 states are filing suit against the health care reform bill, calling it an “unprecedented encroachment on the sovereignty of the states”. They claim that “The Constitution nowhere authorizes the United States to mandate, either directly or under threat of penalty, that all citizens and legal residents have qualifying health […]
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“The Democrats need 216 vote to pass health care reform. So you know, they have these little charts. And in the latest count, seven Democrats who were against it have now flipped. Four, after arm twisting by Obama. And three after tickling by Eric Massa.” – Bill Maher “The Democrats are working overtime to get […]
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David Axelrod, one of Obama’s closest advisors, claims that Scott Brown’s upset victory in Massachusetts, which cost the Democrats their supermajority in the Senate, actually helped get health care reform passed. After the election, Republicans gleefully declared reform dead, since the Democrats didn’t have the votes to stop a Republican filibuster. But instead, in the […]