Wednesday, January 19, 2011
[from Fred Wickham’s Bullseye Rooster] The new Republican congress has unveiled its alternative Health Care Plan. Ersatzomine™, a new, fast-acting placebo from Pfizer. While ObamaCare has resolutley ignored free-market solutions to the nation’s health problems, Pfizer buckled down to the challenge: produce an alternative to government mandated procedures in an attractive pill form. “For less […]
© Nate Beeler I wonder if the Republicans actually believe that repealing HCR is the right thing to do, if they are just automatically opposed to anything Obama does, or if they are merely trying to keep their increasingly fringe base energized.
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Forbes magazine has a new article that points out that — despite what Republicans are saying about the health care reform bill killing jobs — that Obamacare is helping small businesses offer health care to their employees. This is great news. I have started a number of small businesses, and I have long said that […]
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The incoming Republican majority in the House of Representatives has a new rule. They must offset the cost of any legislation that would increase federal spending. Sounds good, yes? And yet, they are attempting to repeal Obama’s health care reform bill, a bill that the Congressional Budget Office says will reduce the federal deficit by […]
… before he hits the ground. © Tom Toles The new session of Congress doesn’t start until Wednesday, but Republicans have already scheduled a vote on January 12th to repeal Obama’s health care reform bill. Of course, this is a complete waste of time and money, since Democrats still control the Senate, and even if […]
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Just how in bed with the health insurance industry is our government? And just how lazy is our media? I’ll leave it up to you to decide, but I can’t think of any other way to describe this. On Friday, WikiLeaks released another set of secret State Department cables, including one from a state department […]
Saturday, December 18, 2010
© Nick Anderson If you are worried about your taxes paying for other people’s health care, don’t worry, you’re already paying for it.
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Friday, December 17, 2010
PolitiFact has picked its 2010 Lie of the Year, and to nobody’s surprise it is “A government takeover of health care” repeated over and over (and over) again by the Republicans in describing Obama’s health care reform bill. PolitiFact had already evaluated statements from Republicans using this phrase five times and rated it a lie […]
Thursday, December 16, 2010
© Joel Pett If the Republicans on the Supreme Court somehow get the individual mandate declared unconstitutional, who says the Republicans in Congress don’t have an alternative plan? The banks can even create a derivatives market for organs! UPDATE: The Judge’s ruling that the individual mandate is unconstitutional is fatally flawed (even according to conservatives).
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010
© Jim Morin Is it constitutional, or isn’t it? And if we don’t get reform, how many more people will die?
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Monday, December 13, 2010
A federal judge ruled today that the constitution does not allow the government to require people to purchase health insurance. It should surprise nobody that this particular judge was appointed by Bush (to whom all appointments were political), and note also that two other judges have ruled that this requirement is constitutional, so it is […]
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Recently, the NY Times published a “deficit-reduction calculator” that is fun to play with, but its options for reducing government spending and raising revenue are simply too limited. Ezra Klein gives some links to other similar calculators, but in case you want to skip to the ending, pretty much the only way to balance the […]
Thursday, November 11, 2010
© Jack Ohman Do the Republicans really think they can repeal the Health Care Reform bill?
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Saturday, October 16, 2010
Yet another shining example of someone telling the government to keep their hands out of their government-run healthcare. Rebecca Kleefisch is the Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin, and is running an ad telling about her fight with cancer. She says “thanks to the highest quality health care system in the world, I won […]
Monday, September 27, 2010
The GOP is campaigning to repeal Obama’s health care overhaul bill, calling it socialist and a job killer. To support this, they quote polls that show that Americans oppose the reform bill by numbers like 40% against to 30% in favor (with 30% neutral). So it sounds like Americans want the GOP to kill Obamacare. […]